MovieChat Forums > Austenland (2013) Discussion > Why is Jane unemployed ?

Why is Jane unemployed ?

The movie went from her ex-boyfriend dropping in uninvited at work and harassing her to her BFF trying to convince her not to spend her savings on a trip to Austenland "since you're out of work."

Why / how did Jane lose her job ? Because an ex-boyfriend came by ? Did her AA (Austen Addiction) interfere with her job performance ? (Whatever said job may have been.) Or perhaps she quit ? Maybe her boss refused to give her any vacation time off ? (I haven't read the book so I don't know if this is addressed there.)


I didn't catch the "since you're out of work" work. I assumed she just took a vacation.


I never noticed the line either. I'll need to rewatch!


I never heard anything about her being "out of work" or having lost her job. I also understood she was just taking a vacation.


When her ex shows up it shows her grab the Austenland brochure she had pinned up in her cubical. Obviously something she had already been thinking about but ex-boyfriend pushed her to finally go see the travel agent. It does not say anything about losing her job.


No there's nothing that spells out that she is unemployed, just that she'd be using up all her savings that's all. I think you mis-remember some of the dialogue, because it does sound like she doesnt have anything to come back to but I think they just mean in terms of money saved up. This is from the subtitles:

Jane, are you really
gonna blow your entire
life savings on
an "Austen experience"?

Now, hold on just a second,
here at Sensuous Travel,
we are not just another
run-of-the-mill vacation place.
This is what we call
an "LC." A Life-Changer.
You get to play the heroine of
your very own Jane Austen story.

[edited out]

Look, every stay at Austenland
ends with a real live ball,
as in ballroom,
as in happily ever after.
Do you understand
what I'm saying?


Jane. So you go on some fancy vacation,
then what do you come home to?

Nothing except for
an empty bank account.

Why don't you save up
for a real life-changer?

Like what?
Well, like...

That's fine. Maybe come back
another time without your friend.
We'll get you squared away.
I think I can figure out some
kind of layaway program for you.

Thank you so much.


Speaking of Jane's job, does anyone know what she did for a living. In the scene in her cubical, there seemed to be a drawing of a dress on her computer screen. Did it mention her profession in the book? Was she, maybe, a graphic designer?


Yep. In the book she's a graphic artist/designer.


She should've sued her work place/her ex for sexual harassment... the guy in the background of that scene looked like he would be a witness.

Then she could afford to pay for her vacation.

And in the book she's a graphic artist.
