The mobile phone thing is part of the Austenland experience. Believe it or not, they did NOT have cell phones then.
The "England" stock photo shots may be generic but it reminds us that the whole Austenland experience exists within the UK.
I'm "American" (quotes do to the label of American can apply to Canada, Central America, and Southern America), yet I've traveled to the UK several times. We're not all ignorant about other cultures. My family celebrates many aspects of other cultures. Heck, I live in Southern California, nearly everyone is involved in California and Mexican culture.
If you drive 6 hours south, where do you end up? I'd be in Mexico. 16 hours east? I'd be in Texas. 16 hours north? I'd be in Seattle. West? 10 minutes I'd be well into the Pacific.
Where would you be at each turn? Still in your homeland? Yes? Then be not so certain of your perceived ignorance of a country you are only too happy to demean. We are isolated as a country, but as counties and states we are surrounded by wide variations of cultures within our own United States.
That being said...if I had citizenship in the UK, or in Scandinavia, I'd probably be living there. Coming here to visit. ?