Tom and nurse Gilbert???

Did anyone else pick up on a vibe between Tom and nurse Gilbert? Not sure if it's a Christmas special one off, but I thought there was something brewing. I think they make a better and more compatible couple than Tom did with Trixie.


Yes, I caught that too. She's a much better match for Tom. Isn't her father a clergyman too?


I noticed it too. I wondered if it was wishful thinking on my part but there was something there.


Yes, my mom and I picked up on that, too!
My guess is it will be a plot arc of S5, leading to drama with Barbara and Trixie... don't they share a room? Or does Trixie room with Patsy?

This is good... Isn't it?


Trixie shares a room with Patsy. Barbara's roommate is Nurse Crane.

I'm happy that it looks like the show is going in the Tom/Barbara direction. I had been theoretically shipping them since very early in series 4 (theoretically because they didn't actually have any real scenes together). They just seemed like they would be more compatible than Trixie and Tom. I like Trixie and Tom as characters, but didn't like them as a couple. I'm not crazy about love triangles, but I like the idea of a romance between Tom and Barbara. It will be interesting to see where this story goes in series 5.


NOOoo. I'd rather see Tom & Trixie patch things up, so I'm rooting for this to be a Christmas special one-off.

Definitely I think Tom & Barbara are a more realistic pairing, but that's precisely why they make for boring TV. The contrast between Tom & Trixie is what made their match entertaining.


It can go both way sometimes opposites attract works better but then for some it's maybe better when they are similar. That said sometimes opposites share something very special and really understand each other despite being different.

On the other hand you can share values but still be very different in temperament or the other way around. Here I think Barbra and Tom have both more or less.I would like to see if it goes anywhere and if it does will is in any way Trixie back in the picture or is that over. Trixie and Tom did share a moment but just.


More vibes between them tonight and I think they make a good match. Although i've seen the glances from Trixie. She knows there's a vibe going on too.


Trixie is a firecracker and needs someone with more personality. Tom is a wet blanket, much more suitable for Gilbert.


Does Barbara know that Trixie and Tom were engaged once? I know Trixie is more focused on getting herself healthy, but I'm pretty sure it will hurt her knowing that Barbara and Tom are getting along so well. I mean Barbara and Trixie see each other every minute of the day, so there will definitely be some tension if Barbara and Tom do indeed start to date.


Yup, Barbara arrived at Nonnatus in 4.1, which is the episode Tom proposed.

Until proved otherwise I choose to believe that any dramatic conflict between the women will be resolved as it so often is: with a good honest talk. Also that the dramatic core will not be Trixie, who was literally running and hiding from Tom until she sought him out and gained a measure of closure. But rather Tom, who we've not seen get closure, and is established as rather emotionally immature and erratic.


Yes! And your analysis continues on into series 5, episode 4, in which Trixie once again takes the lead in addressing the problem and seeking a way forward for all three participants in that unlikely triangle!

It seems Trixie was going to be an exciting and very sexy choice for Our Dear Reverand...but alas probably not suitable for a vicar's wife, and in the end Trixie probably would have chafed in that role.

Whereas, Barbara already kind of lives the life of a vicar's wife, given she grew up in a religious role supporting her father in that job, and so she'll make a very nice wife for our Tommy.

Barbara's already spending all her time off making fuzzy felt apostles for heaven's sake, even when she thought she and Tom were "off."

Barbie and Tommy will make a comfy and happy little couple, with a look-alike plastic bride and groom stuck on a cake, then going about parish business and the job of raising a nice, little set of bairn.

She'll be a wife he admires, has great fondness for, and holds in the highest esteem as a good woman, and she's kinda cute, too.

But let's not kid ourselves...I'm quite sure Tom was looking forward to getting his sans-collar inner freak on with Our Trixie...for life!

Sorry Tom. That ship has sailed. More fool you. :-))))))))))))))))))

But Barbara's a goer...steady and dependable and will never let him down.


I saw most all of this in the opposite way, but I'm all for Tom and Barbara going off together and Leaving Trixie The Heck Alone. (This goes for the writer's too.)


Glad to see the Vicar and Nurse Gilbert story taking shape.

That Brylcreem incident is one of the funniest scenes in years.

I've missed the silly, funny little moments that used to be included in the early days.

Did anybody else laugh when Tom said it was Brylcreem? And oh, that moment of passion leaving a greasy spot on the wall that somebody quipped couldn't be food because no food "ends up 6 feet up on a wall." haha

Blast from the past! Remember the tv commercial jingle? "Bryllll--creem, a little dab-ll-do-ya!"

The context of Tom using "too much" when you only need a "dab" went right along with the old jingle and was very funny.

Tom never heard the advert "... little DAB-ll-do-ya" Vicar.

He slathered that crap on for the funeral.

