Freaking loved it!!!!
So good. Best Marvel film.
I'm going tomorrow...why are most top critics hating this? I choose to ignore them because I want to see this..but what's to hate?!?!
"Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace" - The Obsolete Manshare
Never listen to critics.
The "critics" are corrupt totalitarians. Don't follow them. Think for yourself!
In all seriousness. Do not listen to critics. 75% of the time, they couldn't recognize a good movie if it smashed them over the face.
share75% of the time, they couldn't recognize a good movie if it smashed them over the face.
"Logic is an enemy and truth is a menace" - The Obsolete Manshare
Critics need to "defend their rep" with films like this for some reason. If they can find a way to bash a "mere comic book" film they will. They are trying hard in this case.
shareYES THERE IT IS!!!!!!!
Lose the Game!!!!!!!
The critics are right, story sucks. And it is boring.
If Jesus came back and saw what's going on in his name, he'd never stop throwing up.
I thought the acting was good, the action was good...there was humor and sad moments. Visually it looked great. Some people are saying the fight scene at the end is underwhelming, but I didn't think so. I loved the movie as a whole and I'm not even a huge Marvel fan. I usually favor DC stuff.
I think a lot of people on this board are upset DC fan boys.
This was the most loved movie released last fall. I just voted in the poll that claims 79% agree. Beat the pants off Hobbit Smaug.
shareI don't know why anyone would hate it, but it did feel pretty lightweight to me.
The reply button does not dispense bananas. That is all.
The best critic to use are the regular movie goers. Not those who think their opinion really counts. It's the ticket sales, from people like you and I, that speak for volumes.
It (the Tesseract) touches everyone differently. - Loki
I really enjoyed it as well. It's simply a blast. The most epic solo film by far the genre has ever seen. Marvel film or otherwise.
shareI've seen it twice already. There is so much to love here and it really does hold up well over repeat viewing. More so than any other film this year including Iron Man 3.
shareI'd like to say I can't remember when I loved a movie this much but then I think back to summer and The Wolverine. I loved both!
Compassion is the ultimate and most meaningful embodiment of emotional maturity. It is through compassion that a person achieves the highest peak and deepest reach in his or her search for self-fulfillment.
I accept your surrender.
Agreed. That's a very nice thing to say, btw. Seems like a quote
shareI unfortunately could not seem to get into it. The parts I found myself perching upright was when Loki was on screen, then I'd go back feelings of boredom when it would cut to scenes without him.
I'm a racist, I don't like humans.
This has the title of best Marvel sequel.
Best film overall? The Avengers.
What was more enjoyable this or Smaug?
shareThor The Dark World beat the hell out of Hobbit 2.
Thor The Dark World set up the next film superbly but still managed to be it's own film. Hobbit 2 seemed like one long stall so they can milk another box office with the next movie.
Easily Thor (and I'm a HUGE LOTR fan). PJ really is milking the Hobbit series and the worst part is he's doing it by adding his own garbage fan fiction. Smaug is worth seeing just for the dragon but even that was sullied by the Tom & Jerry chase sequence and Thorin riding rivers of molten gold in a wheelbarrow.
Whereas Thor successfully delivered a fun comic book tale with panache.
Agree. It's seems like the last two Hobbit films are taking a page from the Pirate sequels and choosing extended CGI foolishness over an actual story. It's a shame to see that awful formula rewarded again and again at the box office.
Take something good and crank out CGI crap because you know you have a built in box office. Thank God Marvel hasn't gone down that road yet.
This is the day for love! Happy V day to every Marvel fan!