MovieChat Forums > The Comedian (2017) Discussion > Will this be De Niro's big comeback?

Will this be De Niro's big comeback?



For your answer see Jack Nicholson in "The Pledge"



if the answer is to see jack in the pledge, then the answer is yes. jack was great in that.


It's not as though Nicholson had dipped at all in quality of performance at the time of The Pledge though. He'd simply taken a few years off after winning an Oscar for As Good As It Gets.

Hope this works out, definitely looking forward to it. De Niro looks like he has a few upcoming roles however that may respark his career such as 'Being Flynn'.

I'm a quitter! I come from a long line of quitters! In fact, it's surprising I'm here at all.


He has already solidified wsith his framework of art that he will go down id not one of the the top 5 actors of all time if not certainly top ten.


true, but nevertheless i strongly hope for him to gain a third regular actor before one time of course he'll get the life achievement trophy


??? When did he LEAVE serious acting? Being Flynn looks pretty serious to me, as does practically everything else in his recent lineup. DeNiro is in no need of a comeback, he can do whatever he wants. His rep as a truly great actor was sealed a long time ago.

Otterprods, to keep those aquatic Mustelidae in line.



His big comeback will be The Irishman whenever Scorsese decides to finally bow out and make his final masterpiece.

"You want me to take a a murder??"



well hope so , even though for me De Niro is already the greatest , just look at his record from the 70's all the way down to 2000...I just can't get enough of his roles. Lately he's been in some good flicks too , he's AWESOME.
well i just remembered that he's been in my avatar too for the past 2-3 years XD
