This is a good film.
5.8? Really? What a joke. The people who don't like this film (or that it's anywhere CLOSE to a 5.8) don't understand that this is NOT BASED ON THE *beep* BIBLE. IT IS BASED ON THE BOOK OF ENOCH. It practically says so in the opening credits, and Aronofsky has said so multiple times. It's not the film's fault that you are ignorant and/or refuse to do research. Aronofsky is a brilliant director and has never made a bad film, and this is no different. It has some beautiful shots, good acting (for the MOST part), a solid score, good special effects, a unique and interesting take on the fallen angels/Watchers, and palpable emotion. Objectively, it's a well made film based off of really interesting source material. If the source material doesn't interest you, that's fine, but don't ignorantly criticize something you know nothing about. I've heard of no actual reasons why the film was poor other than it being "ridiculous" or "not how it actually happened!", even though it (probably) never happened to begin with.
Give me legitimate reasons why this is a 5.8 film. I'll wait.
In the meantime, watch this if you don't want to continue to sound like a moron: