The whole movie is Blasphemous! If you are going to make a movie based on the Bible, maybe you should actually read the Bible, seek Biblical counseling and wisdom? Which is why the movie was a total waste of time, money and an insult to the word of God.
Oh STFU. Did you even realize the director Darren Aronofsky is an atheist before you watched the movie? And that it's based on a graphic novel, NOT the bible? Maybe you should have actually done some research on the movie before you watched it and gave your ignorant opinion. This is America, where we can make a movie however we want and retell a story however we want. Don't like it? You also have the freedom to not watch it. Simple as that.
For those of you who actually came here with an interest in seeing the movie, do not take the words of some ignorant fool on the internet to make that decision. Only
you can decide if the movie is a "waste of time" or not. IMO, all aspects of the movie are well done. I loved it. I'd watch it again. I'm an atheist so I take mythology for what it is: MYTHOLOGY. If you're open minded enough to view this as folklore like it's meant to be, then you will highly enjoy it.