what a delicate pile of crap. (spoilers)
even though i'm an american, i can totally dig what this film tried to do. i've seen a good assortment of nordic films and i GET it; it's just that it's derivative and lame. a lot of people would have seen it as a smart, slick, intriguing, sinister plot done in a "cool" way but the problem is that you might not know how to savor this ethnic dish.
1. dirty guys with cell phones and suits who seem to be into some sort of plot.
2. approach nice suburbia and poke at it; it pushes away
3. infiltrate "nice" established family
4. break it apart
so far... nothing original, no genius, and um... poorly TYPICAL fare to tickle/irritate traditional value systems. oh and uh *coughs* funny games *coughs*
5. a sort of "cult" emerges, revealed by women who can be called upon to assist in murder and body disposal as.
wow. this guy has some women he commands. let me relish it... oh well, they're all just dull, depressed and mostly mute so that wasn't too great.
6. poisonings.
in america, poisonings don't really scare us. we don't feel "fragile" enough to be potentially poisoned out of nowhere but how does sweden react to the "horror"? who knows (look, i arbitrarily picked sweden because that's who i expect to want to see it. i could have picked denmark or finland.)
7. wrap it up
wow... they had something going all along. that was insidious and um... ok. file out of theater and go home to enjoy the IKEA furniture and some weird cabbage or fish or something.
the "strengths" are incompatible with western civilization. you taste that sometimes in foreign films but most people aren't familiar with the flavor of nord. it's homely and sweet so this film is "weak" by our standards.