Can someone please tell me more about Borgman (2013) ?
Can someone please tell me more about Borgman (2013) ?
I would be grateful !
Can someone please tell me more about Borgman (2013) ?
I would be grateful !
It’s in the vein of Teorema: stranger encroaches on family. It’s equally surreal and creepy. Healthy dose of religious references, too. Good film, but you’re not missing anything substantial.
shareSPOILERS !!
It is THE most horrible film of all time. Deeply disturbing.
I had a totally sleepless night after this horror movie without any beauty.
No sympathetic people at all in this total garbage.
Dear Ton,
You did not understand the movie at all. It is surrealistic, so please don't take the images too seriously. And i believe you know more Van Warmerdams films, so you know how he tells stories, always with dark humor. Maybe you don't like it the way he tells the story, that is your opinion, but in the end it is not a bad or horrible movie!
You can debate if the kids are bad, because they go with them, or you can see it that Borgman, as an angel (with the other angels who came down from heaven) freed them from their lifes, which is dominated by distance to love (through a nanny),arrogance and greed.
Think about it.
P Scholte,
Yes, I know a bit about Van Warmerdam and read the long Volkskrant interview of last Saturday which only confirms he is creepy, or at least very ambiguous. He saw "Deliverance" 8 times and thinks there's something attractive in evil and more such rubbish.
The character played by Van Warmerdam an angel? Don't be silly. They are all very very evil monsters. Why the senseless murders? No motive is given at all. What did the gardener and his wife do wrong? And the idea that Borgman could be God, as I read somewhere is preposterous. God would never talk such horrible insults about his Son, Jesus.
No, they are all devils of the worst sort and anybody laughing in this film I will never understand. I saw it because of it being the Sneak preview and wished I had left but didn't as I hoped for a different ending.
It's not real, no, as normal people call the police when such people ring their bell and invade their house, but that does not make it enjoyable.
Hi Ton,
Too bad you didn't see the absurdity of it and take it too literally.
You can have your opinion about it, but don't call people hartless creeps for just enjoying a movie, which is fiction (that means it's not true).
Enjoy and don't take it too literally, like in my opinion anyone should do with the beautiful stories in the bible, Koran or Ramayana, but that is a whole different discussion.
I see the absurdity all too well, but how anybody can enjoy that is beyond me.
I slightly edited my previous post here as of course I don't wish to insult anybody. But many people "enjoy" horror. Shows how different people are.
I hugely enjoy Terrence Malick, saw The new world 6 times, The Tree of Life 36 times and To the wonder 5 times (it only played 3 weeks in cinema, so I got the DVD from Britain). In that Sneak preview 20 of 40 people walked out. Only 2 left "Borgman". Lots of negative reviews of those films too by lazy people who don't want to think, but these films have a lot to seriously think about, as it is quite uplifting and mysterious in a fascinating way. "Borgman" is very depressing and I would end up killing myself if I had to think about it.
Most of all the blatant blasphemy is quite unforgiveable and kills whatever might have been intended with this film, but that's something that does not matter to anybody, a sign of this time.
I'll have to wait and see but this does sound like I'm one of those people you'll never understand Tom. I believe God doesn't take any insults because he's a figment of peoples imagination. So please stop you're making me laugh already; "God would never talk such horrible insults about his Son, Jesus." Hahaha.
shareXx02, God a figment of our imagination? Only 12 % of the world population agrees with you on that, so you're quite wrong.
share100% used to think the earth was flat! That's the weakest argument of them all. Go drink some mercury then, it used to be considered healthy by most people too.
sharePlease keep this a discussion about the movie and not whether god is real or not.
As for the movie, I think it's a love it or hate it movie. I loved its absurdity and darkness, which is a trademark for van Warmerdams movies, but apparently some people can not handle it.
Personally, I loved the part where the gardner and his wive were killed and their heads were put in a bucket full of concrete and when the concrete was hard, they were dumped in a pond and the bodies kind of floated with the head on the bodem like water plants. I loved the darkness and absurdity in this scene and it filmed magnifecently!
You're right I was off topic and won't do it again, but could you please alert people you're including huge spoilers in your replies! I've just seen it and this clearly is not a film for everybody. I had a good time and it surely had some great moments.
I understand what you are saying, but I am gonna ignore your advice.
Xxo2, if you mean what Buck wrote about the heads in concrete, that's in all newspaper reviews and those are meant to be read BEFORE watching.
As to God, my point was that some people think Borgman is God, but by what he said and did, is clear he is the Devil and newspaper reviews say so also.
Also silly is that no explanation is given in this film as to why these gangsters do everything. One of the Dutch external reviews says so also.
This film has nothing worth thinking or laughing about.
Am glad to see that 3 people who voted after yesterday agree with me (also voting a 1 ). The more the better, but my psychologist said Van Warmerdam will only be happy with that.
Ton, that newspapers are the reason I only read the synopsis and not the newspaper review. I hate it when they do that and the fact that they all do it does not make it fine to screw-up peoples viewing experience. But hey that's only my opinion. I agree with you that van Warmerdam leave quite a few loose ends in this film, but I did see a lot of people yesterday talking and thinking about. Trying to figure it out and that alone was pretty funny.
I understand what you are saying, but I am gonna ignore your advice.
Voting a 1 for any movie is a sign of blatant disrespect for the art of film making. Unless this were extremely poorly acted, filmed and had no story at all, rating a film a '1' is simply a subjective mark that you assign to things you actively hate.
Can you please confirm that you at least enjoyed parts of the film, some of the acting, camera usage? Even though you might find the story rubbish and not appealing for personal (religious) reasons, you cannot deny that parts are worthwhile. Don't be immature by rating something a '1' because it conflicts with your personal beliefs.
Ignoring the discussion about God (because I am an atheist and have better things to occupy my time with than religious prattle), all I can say is Borgman is simply one of the finest Dutch films I have ever seen. And coming from someone who is usually averse to Dutch films, that's quite a compliment.
shareThis is just weird to me. It's like you have a personal vendetta with this movie. Even discussing how bad you think it is with a psychologist, like it is ruining your life. That is just absurd and definitely not a normal way to look at just a movie you can just ignore, which isn't part of your life at all.
Your vendetta on gettings the ratings down and wondering how you can bring down Van Warmerdam has no place in a discussion about the quality of a movie. Your opinion on why you hate it does, but your anger and your vendetta against it really doesn't.
It really doesn't add much to the discussion of this movie.
Please respect other people's opinions also.
Actually, only about 2% of the world probably thought about whether the earth was round or flat. The remaining 98% had to bust their ass working and were too busy to think of such things.
I could just imagine people, while breaking their backs tilling their soil, conversing: "So William, what dost thou know of the earth's surface? Dost thou think flat or dost though believeth the earth to be round?"
Who are you carrying all those bricks for?
That's exactly what I thought.
Also the 'think about it' part. I can understand how someone wouldn't like it, but I cannot understand the anger that goes along with it here. Someone isn't thinking. ;)
its surrealistic.. ye sure, get your medication right retard
shareOne of the worst movies i have ever, ever watched. It's not even worth the time to discuss it or give arguments of why it is this bad. Dont waste your time nor your money.
shareI guess you were looking for some mind-numbing big-budget action movie with lots of explosions?
I mean come on, what the hell is wrong with you. If you're looking for that, you're in the wrong genre.
Yes, exactly that's why i went to a dutch thriller. Pretty dumb comment, even for imdb standards. Just because i didnt like a movie without explosions means i'm looking for that? But sure, for somebody in need of explenations i'll make an exception. The movie is bad, no terrible because to many things are left unexplained.
Who was the priest with the shotgun in the beginning?
Why were the chasing the hobo's?
Why was the woman attracted to the hobo?
Why did the little girl threw a square stone on the solicitors head?
Why didnt the woman notice the hobo sitting on top of here in her sleep?
How come the husband didnt feel the tattoo?
Why was the nanny attracted to Pascal?
Why was the nanny there in the firstplace?
Why was she from denmark? Why didnt they just get a dutch one?
Who were the woman and (her daughter i guess) helping them?
Why thought the husband it was ok that people steamrolled his entire garden with dozerz etc?
What's up with the idiotic garden show near the end? Why was everybody acting like it was normal?
Why did the wife wanted the husband dead? He seemed like a nice man.
Why the childern think it was ok for their parents to kill eachother? And then take off with the hobo's?
I could continue this list for quite a while.
On top of that the story line is terrible. It's like the director thought of a few cool scenes, had no idea how to place them in a storyline so just randomly put them together.
The only thing positive about this movie is that the acting was good. Everything else made this film a pile of crap.
But hey sure, there are always narrow minded people like you thinking just because somebody doesnt like a low buget movie, he probably only watches world war z and lord of the rings.
That's called "surrealism."
If you hate it when the storyline is already chewed into little pieces so you can swallow it without making an effort, then you ARE at the wrong genre, and I could see from miles away that you wouldn't like Warmerdam-movies.
Nor would you like David Lynch's movies. Or Luis Buñuel's.
And what is your problem with Danish people?
The movie begins with a quote from some text, perhaps the Old Testament, or some myth:
“And they descended upon the earth to strengthen their ranks”.
"They" are "sons of God", "Nephilim", demi-gods, angels (or "fallen" angels. You can read about them in the bible and other books. Check it out. The internet is also usable.
An example:
If you read the Old Testament you will see that God is not always nice. These "angels" kill people (like the angel of death did in Egypt).
I guess the movie is inspired by the Old Testament, and we see these "angels" do their stuff. They save the children. Maybe to have offspring with them in time, like said in th Old Testament? Scary, yes.
Yepp, it sure is something unnatural with Borgman and his gang. And that is quite obvius, they are not human. The wife is having sleeping paralysis, the old hag syndrome.. a demon sitting over her stomach. The movie is very straight forward. Demonic E.T's? We all know you should never invite a vampire to your house. The priest in the beginning explains the vampire theory.
This movie rocks, extremely well done and original. Great Actors!
The whole movie is just so full of religious references and the evil within humans.It has been said above that it is similar to the garden of eden story and I agree with that.Let's break this down.In the beginning,a priest pairs up with others to go into the woods in order to kill these people living under ground.I see this as people living underground as being the trace of evil itself on earth.Remember when Cain kills Abel,God comes down and talks to Cain:
(BIBLE VERSES BEGIN)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Adam[a] made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.[b] She said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth[c] a man.” 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.
Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. 4 And Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.
6 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”
8 Now Cain said to his brother Abel, “Let’s go out to the field.”[d] While they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.
9 Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is your brother Abel?”
“I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”
10 The Lord said, “What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground. 11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. 12 When you work the ground, it will no longer yield its crops for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth.”
13 Cain said to the Lord, “My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.”
15 But the Lord said to him, “Not so[e]; anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over.” Then the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him. 16 So Cain went out from the Lord’s presence and lived in the land of Nod,[f] east of Eden.
(BIBLE VERSES END)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It all has to do with this evil within us that we inherited from Cain in such that we lead sin into our lives without even knowing it.That is why she tells her husband that something evil or bad will happen but she does not know what is really going on.She is the one who lets sin(Borgman) in. Borgam and and the other installers of sin label her husband,nanny,and children so they can join their kind of army that they are arranging to wander the earth like Cain does.You find out that her husband was labeled but never branded by Ludwig and Pascal but the others are labeled are instilled into the group.You see the scar that Borgman has is explained later on in which they have a kind of process that initiates the person into the group.You realize that they only need the young people because their mind has not developed and they are not fully aware of how the world works unlike the husband and wife. The husband and wife have already gotten use to the standards of life and the formalities that are happening everyday in the world like the manufactured bear that she lectures her daughter about.The children and the nanny are just too young to actually be aware of all of these things.They never think about them unlike the mother and father.The others who were already in the group probably were all initiated into the group when they are really young also. The wife also reminds us of sin like Eve introduces sin when she tells Adam to take the bite out of the apple. Borgman is also changes his identity who comes in as a wolf disguised in sheeps clothing.With a little help from his friends,Borgman slowly breaks down the family and takes what he wants while throwing away the trash. The scene in which they bring in the immigrants for the interview is very strange and interesting.I think thats about the husband not wanting to think about the percussions of the world itself,he tries to ignore the destruction that the Western World has had on the other regions like the Middle East,Africa,Asia etc. That is why he does not want any of them inside of his house,he only wants a person that is just like him.You find out that the wife does not ignore these things when she lectures her daughter about the bear citing children in third world countries assembling the bear.The wife is more conscious of how the world is very unfair maybe due to the fact she is a female and that it is a mans world even in the Western world and nothing has changed.Borgman makes the wife go against her husband in order to instill trust in him and not her own husband who she thinks is trying to kill her or bound her in some way.
The nanny and the wife are both drawn by a certain urge or gesture which they just can't get enough of.Like pleasure itself which is usually related to sin,we humans can never get enough of it and we just keep on going,we are never satisfied with what we have.We have to keep wanting more even if it kills us.We also see that Borgman is the metaphorical snake in the garden who leads the wife into the trap in order to break the family apart.That's all I can think of,the movie was really interesting and it kept me guessing.It did kind of remind me of Dogtooth and Haneke's Funny Games but the messages are totally different compared to Borgman.
magnificent attitude
I'd say they reminded me of succubi, though as someone else put it, the term angel works as well. I loved how they're so... technologically handy. Everything they do could be passed off as un-supernatural, if you were skeptical enough. I think that was Warmerdam's aim as well, because if you see the deleted scenes in the DVD - specific spoiler alert - all three almost confirm the supernatural element. One was a salamander-like creature under the children's bed and another had Ludwig (played by Warmerdam himself) speaking in a perfect imitation of Stine's voice.
1.Cannot answer who the priest was. Chasing can be explain in that the pack were escaped from mental institution( at one point there such flashback showing hospital beds) or they are really supernatural and such priest is after them as a duty :)
3.Total chemistry, gone mad actually.
4. why are normal people doing evil things in movies with haunted places and people?
5. supernatural beings can go unnoticed. were they easily noticeable they would not be supernatural.
6. tattoo is work of supernatural. can go unnoticed
7. nanny is attracted to Pascal, because....really? does one have to explain this as well? she gives in, after Pascal invites her in, closes the door, I can only imagine Pascal was giving the girl best time of her life, like in rolling eyes and such. Remember she comes again for more like an addict and Pascal says "my little man is tired". Talk about dark humor!
8.No idea why they've chosen a dane. Pissed off Marina says to Stine "next time set your alarm. here is not Denmark" meaning perhaps this (after little research for you): "Until I moved to Copenhagen, that is, where during winter I’d find myself going to bed far too late and waking up after the sun had gone down. As a foreign freelancer not used to living without the cues of sunlight to guide my days, I’d find myself working on projects until 6am then struggling with 9am appointments the next day." taken without permission from here:
9. It's really just a show. Possibly done by real idiots. Although can be a play on a dichotomy: selfishness -genral good, collective good, as suggested by the banners with the pronouns.
I am debating with myself already to watching again soon.
This movie is excellent! One of the few films in 2013 that really moved me. It's so creative, so mesmerizing .... if only Hollywood could learn something from this masterpiece and stop making vampires/werewolves/witches combo bs ... oh well. I'm happy to see there's more people who recognize and appreciate real art mixed with metaphysical, spiritual, etc., and don't need fake wings, red/black eyes or fangs to connect the dots. Lots of good comments here, I won't name you, you know who you are. ;)
shareTwin Peaks meets Funny Games meets Fight Club. With religious overtones a plenty. Needless to say I loved it.
What is your nationality?
-I'm a drunkard.
That makes Rick a citizen of the world.
"This film is a meaningless tease, post-modernism running out of steam."
What you don't see is that, so long as people are interested in his films, Alex van Warmerdam remains relevant as a filmmaker.
Sorry, but thanks for playing!
Yes, relevant. In this sense it means important, meaningful, and as robt-public uses it obviously apropos of awareness within the world of film. Something doesn't have to be likable, nor intelligent, to be relevant. Mein Kampf was and continues to be relevant for a variety of reasons, and Jersey shore was tremendously relevant to pop-culture and media as a whole during its run. You may not like him, but van Warmerdam is relevant as a filmmaker
Your initial criticism is trite and needlessly contrary as well. I found no laborsome detachment from the story or characters, which are laden with allegory and by no stretch meaningless. I won't pretend that I loved the film, but I found it entertaining. I think it's unfair that you pan the film when your critique reads as though you watched this with your television turned off.
I'm not sure if films like this have a straightforward meaning exactly. Instead I'd say that they're about things or they evoke or recall things.
A lot of people clearly got an old testament vibe from this film, and I can see why. Still, I don't think it's a straightforward retelling of any Bible story. Rather, I'd describe it as a kind of old school fairy tale which has no real meaning in itself. It's just a playground for the director. The payoff is the images and humor throughout, not some kind of greater meaning. In those terms I felt it was a success. The humor was arresting and disturbing and the images were startling and hard to forget.
I tend to agree that people read meaning into things where it may not belong. But in this case I feel like that's just a sign that the movie succeeded.
"A lot of people clearly got an old testament vibe from this film, and I can see why"
maybe cause you´re a religious nutcase.
"Rather, I'd describe it as a kind of old school fairy tale which has no real meaning in itself."
yeah, nightmares have 0 meaning ( the creature not the dream ). oh wait, nightmares have a lot more meaning and are much more interesting than the crap that stands in the bible