Fight Club???

Really thought it was going to end like fight club.
I thought piggies face would flash up over Joes in the police meat wagon.
Did anyone else feel as though they could have been the same person throughout?
His insomnia from the beginning alternating reality?


I thought Piggy was in Joes mind the second they both meet



it was obviously the same person. Piggy's face flashed over Joe's at the very beginning of the film. The insomnia was a problem before his brother's murder, later in the film he appeared to have no problem sleeping. The victims never seemed to interact as if three people were there. The ease with which Piggy could get into Joe's flat which had three or four locks. His appearance out of nowhere claiming to be a friend of his brother and he seemed to know a lot about Joe that he shouldn't. Everything points to them both being one and the same.


Uh... They were the same person. It just wasn't spelled out explicitly.


If they are there's at least one plot hole because the first person they killed said 'tell him it's not me'... There's at least one other person at the scene.


It's as Piggy says.. Joe is just a mirror for everyone else.. He's just easily led by whoever comes along and that's why Piggys face flashed up over his.. He did start to morph into him - doing and thinking the same things, but I don't believe they were physically the same person. Piggy was just someone who took advantage of weak people and Joe was a very weak person.
