MovieChat Forums > Piggy (2012) Discussion > Can anyone say poor man's FIGHT CLUB?

Can anyone say poor man's FIGHT CLUB?

It wasn't bad but the ending was no surprise.


Thanks for that


Piggy wasn't a figment of Joe's imagination, he was an opportunist vigilante nutjob who heard about the incident. I thought this was rather clear.


And expected it to mirror Fight Club as the OP rather bluntly stated in the subject of his post and while there was some ambiguity at the end I kind of veer towards this theory rather than the figment of imagination one to be honest.


just trolling around?


I agree that Piggy is just an opportunist looking for weak people to help him in his violence.

The first man they killed about half an hour in says something like 'tell him it's not be bruv' and when Piggy says 'do you recognise him' he doesn't say 'there's nobody there' or anything along those lines.. He would at least ask what he's talking about not tell an imaginary man to verify that Piggy has the wrong man.

I think people may believe that they're the same person because Joe was so weak and he did start to become more like Piggy.. So although they're not physically the same person, they did start to morph into very similar people in the same way you do with a partner or best friend you spend a lot of time with.


poor man's FIGHT CLUB


You didnt watch the ending did you? You second guessed it early on, stopped watching and came on here to post.

I can see why you entertained the idea, I did too. Thankfully I kept watching and it turned out to be a red herring.

"I'm Brian and so's my wife!"


Piggy wasn't a figment of Joe's imagination, he was an opportunist vigilante nutjob who heard about the incident. I thought this was rather clear.

LOL, yeah sure..if you say so.

I wouldn't say poor man's fight club, but the ending was nothing we haven't seen before at least a hundred times..


LOL? Tell me otherwise, don't just scoff at the statement without refuting it.


The movie doesn't realy specify if piggy's real or not. its up to the viewer to decide that


It just beats you over the head with it. Thats all. It never just says so in three words or less. Its the same person. It's all Joe. There is no Piggy. Jeez.


It just beats you over the head with it. Thats all. It never just says so in three words or less. Its the same person. It's all Joe. There is no Piggy. Jeez.

So why did the first victim ask Joe to tell Piggy that it wasn't him?? I completely disagree with this and think that Piggy was just taking advantage of a weak person.


It has nothing to do with Fight Club! They are in no way shape or form connected!

Piggy is a well done British film and has no Fight Club element in it.

Joe was/is Piggy I thought that was pretty easy to suss out tbh, who else knows of him or seen him? Only Joe. The ending where Joe is laughing in the van on his way to jail is the biggest give away forget about Piggy sneaking behind Claire etc.

Joe had all this planned but didn't have the bottle to go ahead with it hence where Piggy came from. He needed Piggy to bring out the worst in him to carry out his acts & by the end well he was Piggy.

There is no doubt in my mind he was imaginative (the only similarity with Fight Club)

Compston was fantastic in this btw he has came along way since Sweet 16 and can't wait to see more of his work.
