Only a 6 out of 10?

I'm surprised at the negativity towards this film. I'm not saying everyone has to like it, but I honestly thought it was great! And usually when I like a "bad" film more than most people do, I at least understand why they don't like it. But this? I thought it was awesome.

Not saying my opinion is "right" or anything... just saying I'm honestly surprised. Anyone agree with me?

Not all moments rule, but some moments do. -Scott Mosier


Totally agree. So touched and surprised by this refreshingly real comedic drama. Dramatic comedy.


I disliked it.
Actually I like all the actors... but not in this movie.
Here each of them irritated me.
The whole story seemed so fake to me.
It was a bull's $hit. I'd expected much better movie.

I'm so confused!



The movie doesn't unveil the life and concerns of sex addicts fully. It lacks the depth. Very shallow.

And I can't believe that they didn't mention STD's at all. Even for Samantha from 'Sex and the City' (the true sex addict) one of her biggest fears was to get infected.

So answering to the question why it got low rating, because the authors did not do their homework properly. That's it. The ending is typical for an average stupid hollywood rom-com.

I'm so confused!



@GerrysIslandLovingWoman I liked your post, and I think you hit it on the head with:

I think it did the best it could aiming to inject some humor.

But maybe not in the positive way you meant it. To me the "comedy" elements mostly felt forced, and like they were added to make it more light hearted.
A few of them felt natural, like after Adam and Phoebe had sex, and she said they still had 28 minutes to make their restaurant reservation.
Others where borderline slapstick, like the scenes of Neil running and biking;
- just look at that fat boy run, hahaha - really?

The silliness of the "comedy injections" degraded the dramatics to a degree, that I had a hard time taking any of it serious.

The worst example of this was when Becky was in the bathroom, and Adam and Neil were outside the door. The "daddy fetich" scene leading up to it was intense and serious, and without a doubt the best scene of the entire movie (and Emily Meade nailed that role as Becky btw.), and when they then tried to make the bathroom scene "funny", it felt so misplaced, that it made me cringe.

The movie definitely had a lot going for it, and I actually liked it overall.
The characters were great, and mostly worked well. I didn´t feel the chemistry between Adam and Pheobe in the "falling in love" scenes though (silliness again), but I blame that on the scrips/direction, and not the actors.

I guess the problem was that it tried to please the broad audience, by grasping too many genres. If it would have gone ahead as a drama, as I'm sure it was written as in the first place, it could have been truly good.
All in all a 5 from me, but if I imagine it without the silliness, it would be an easy 8.


I COMPLETELY agree w/ your post! and what's more it'd definately one of Mr Robbins best proformance ! and that's a easy thing to do since he ALWAYS give a top notch proformances !


Agreed. Just saw the movie tonight. Give it 9 stars, best of the year so far. I laughed, I cried, I loved it. Characters were real, genuine, not stereotypes. Script was raw, honest, not clichéd Hollywood. Sad this movie is not getting more buzz. It deserves better.


I agree with you, this movie should have a 7.5+ rating although I gave it a staggering 9. Very thoughtful movie.


I think the rating is undeserved. I gave it a 5 and pondered giving it a four. The cast was okay but the sex addiction storytelling wasn't hard hitting enough as the central theme, considering it was the main focus of the film.


Me too Alyssa.

I easily gave this movie a 10. I usually don't like melodramatic movies like this, because they're always the same seemingly. Especially since it was about sex addiction. Y'know the neurosis "du jour." I like how this movie basically said we all have our flaws some worse than others. It's best if we're honest about them and we manage them.

I honestly thought I'd probably thought this would be a comedic version of "Shame." However, this is better than Steve McQueen's movie in my opinion.


I've watched 43 2012 releases and I have it at 19 with a 6/10. Although I thought some of the acting was great and the whole premise of the movie was new and interesting, there were a lot of flaws with this film. It shouldn't be rated anything higher than a 6.


I thought it should have a higher rating. I thought it was enjoyable even though it was trying to tackle a difficult subject.

I don't fault it for not targeting sex addiction harder because I think the real subject was addiction using sex addiction as the window. (I doubt that many "chick flick" people would have attended a movie about drug or alcohol addiction.) So this was a way to introduce an unpalatable subject and inject it with some real life issues. I thought it was good. Not only would I give it and 8, I'll watch it again.

OT I saw this movie streaming on Netflix. Right next to it in the queue was this unbelievable stinker called "Big Wedding". If I gave "Thanks for Sharing" an eight and "Big Wedding" a one, what rating did y'all give "Big Wedding"?
