6.4 ? BS

This movie was fantastic. A serious issue done very well. The movie didn't feel like a pg-13 version of sex addiction. It felts like a real take on it. And the performances were wonderful. Ruffalo, Pink, Gwenyth, Tim Robbins, Josh Gad, all fantastic.

There was some humor mixed in, but it felt authentic. I loved the scene at the end where Robbins hugs his son and finally apologizes. It really struck a chord with me.

Fantastic movie. Wish there were more movies done about addiction. This movie should be in the high 7's easily. Hope more people find this great film.


Not a movie I would have watched or paid for, but I just finished it on NetFlix, and I agree, this is a good movie.

I am not sure this is good just because it is about addiction, per se. I think sex addiction is something most of the country has, due to our immersion in advertising and sex and violence, and we do not see it or talk about it.

I never had an idea about it, and I always rate movies highly that are new, different, about something unique that has not really been done before. This movie shows how vulnerable people are, how sensitive, and yet sex is bascially using someone else for your own pleasure and how hard it is to balance that, do not dehumanize or mess with the other person. It just got me thinking, which is always good in a movie. I have it an 8/10


Completely agree, NVA, I loved this movie. The low rating surprised me. Admittedly, I watched it because I'm a Mark Ruffalo fan, but within minutes I was hooked on the story, acting, pacing. There were some really funny moments, but plenty of serious storytelling.


9/10. I really felt like I understood each character, sympathized with them, grew with them. I got really wrapped up in this movie.

Smart, funny at the right times, serious at the right times. I'm surprised this didn't get more respect from critics or audiences.
