MovieChat Forums > Cyberbully (2011) Discussion > Cyber Bullying is NOT real bullying

Cyber Bullying is NOT real bullying

When I was in middle school and high school, kids physically bullied me all the time, and there was nothing I could do about it. But when kids tried to cyber bully me, I simply blocked them. Its not bullying if clicking a button can stop it.


So physical bullying is categorically worse than emotional?
I think not.

The bullying in this film was based around the Internet, but followed the girl out into the real world


I am glad that for you the answer was to block them but sadly for hundreds of others it isn't that easy. Bullying be it cyber or real world is a HUGE issue and its very real, the main goal of a bully is to beat someone down so fast and hard. Clicking that block button isn't always effective, perhaps you need to be educated a little more.


It's VERY real bullying.


I've had both physical and emotional bullying and (this is just my opinion), I'd take the physical pain any day.

I tried to take my own life and it wasn't because people hit me. Bruises heal, cuts can be covered up with a plaster. But the psychological bullying destroyed me.

And the Internet is a breeding ground for it. I think your opinion is hideously misinformed and you should think much more carefully before you make statements like that in future.


Sounds like you haven't been cyberbullied. It's not just a few nasty comments that you can forget about, it could be way more than that. IRl "bullying" is so last millenium.


zach055 (Sat Aug 3 2013 19:58:05)
When I was in middle school and high school, kids physically bullied me all the time, and there was nothing I could do about it. But when kids tried to cyber bully me, I simply blocked them. Its not bullying if clicking a button can stop it.
I find it interesting that this user hasn't posted in the same board more than once in most circumstances.

But to address what the lunatic said, all blocking/ignoring does is, at best, prevent the blocked person from making comments towards your account or comments that you can see. It doesn't stop others from seeing things they say and it doesn't prevent it from influencing others in how they act towards you both online and offline. To say it's not real bullying is, in fact, a statement of ignorance.


That's not true. Bullying is the act of hurting or threatening someone in any way on purpose, especially in order to feel better about oneself - which is pathetic, but many people do it. It can be physical, verbal, or emotional.

Its not bullying if clicking a button can stop it.
That right there is why people think it's okay to harass others on the Internet. In some ways, cyberbullying is even worse than bullying in person because, as they said in the film, it's hard to escape. When someone is bullied at school and then bullied online at home, it can make that person feel really trapped. It's a real problem that needs to be taken care of and stopped.



I personally view emotional/mental bullying as much worse then physical bullying. Physical bullying is obvious to friends, family, teachers and such whilst mental bullying can be hidden much more easily by a young adult/teen not wanting to cause a fuss/scared of the bully.

Emotional bullying also constantly effects your mind whereas physical bullying will at one point or the other stop/cease. Emotional bullying can continue with you for years.

I was overweight at school. I was never physically bullied because I was twice the size of most of the other boys so punching me would do nothing. I just got jeered at, called names, humiliated. Even had a case similar to this documentary where one of my friends turned on me to ensure his popularity. That really hurt.

After many, many years I decided to lose the weight. Not for them but for myself. Either way, the emotional hurt didn't go away. Even after I hit the gym, got toned/fairly muscly. It was worse if anything.

You really notice the shallowness of people when you go from fat to thin. Which was depressing in itself. I'm good now, no longer insecure about myself and am with a fantastic girl.

If I have a child/boy. I will teach him if he gets bullied not to pay attention. Take the anger/frustration that they cause you and use that to better yourself as a person. Learn not to care about what others think and always do the right thing even if nobody notices.

"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all." - God Entity (Futurama)


That's like saying emotional abuse is not real abuse.
