Hospital Scene - SO UNREALISTIC!!!!
I get that Taylor didn't take any pills, but the EMT guys got there AFTER the bottle spilled (besides, she could've had taken something else before), yet the ER Attending gives her a SEDATIVE?!? Are you friggin' kidding me?!? Don't movies usually have researchers for this kind of thing - sheesh (and btw, the psychiatrist would have never prescribed a sedative/sleeping pill either, as it's the last thing you'd prescribe for depression - ESP with a SUICIDE ATTEMPT). I can let go of little mistakes, but this is just so unacceptable, lol.
But as a former health education teacher, I liked the movie otherwise - I thought it was an interesting twist about who the 'cyber-bully' was. And I liked how the kids verbalized things towards the end and stood up to that one girl in the cafeteria. It's also had a good message about suicide (something I used to cover in my class) - a lot of teens act so impulsively and think their lives are "over," when if they just took a step back, called someone, took a jog - anything - they'd see that things ALWAYS pass. It's so frustrating/sad to me when 12, 13, 14, etc yr old kids kill themselves. And I think it's higher today than ever before, because of this cyber-bullying (I am SO GLAD the I was years out of high school before the internet exploded onto the scene).