This "movie" is unbearable
Probably had great intentions and a good message, but wow. This is liiiteralllllly painful to watch.
Amongst many glaring inconsistencies and cliche expressions, every scene of this movie is completely unconvincing in every way.
It's not just unrealistic, it's seriously an insult to any person who has been an actual victim of these issues.
One thing that really bothered me is the main characters of this movie (the 'victim' of 'cyberbullying' and her friends) were perfect representations of girls who would typically be embraced as the pinnacles of popularity in the social stratosphere. AKA, they are very pretty/skinny/caucasian/stylish/peppy personalities.... none of these girls would realistically have severe difficulty fitting in and being accepted by their peers. These girls probably wouldn't know the first thing about being truly ostracized. It would have way more substance if they would have focused on a more offbeat character, someone who can represent an archetype of someone who TRULY doesn't "fit in." The overweight girl in her support group, for example, was way more convincing and realistic representation of the kinds of kids who normally get bullied.
Also, it was ridiculous how they made her entire surroundings solely revolve around her. The movie treated her like she was the only person anyone cared about in her entire school. In real life, so much drama is happening with so many people all the time that there's never ONE SINGLE PERSON who EVERYONE focuses in on and bashes. Honestly, there is a decent percentage of people that age who are more mature than that and wouldn't go out of their way to devote themselves to destroying someone's life on the internet. The people who stoop to that level are extreme cases and many times are psychopaths themselves. The whole thing was stupid. She is not the only person in this school, and she is not the only person that everyone would be focusing so much attention onto. Peers are more prone to alienating others via just ignoring them rather than directly attacking them on a regular basis.
On a side note, I laughed out loud during the scene where she "almost" attempted suicide, and her friend walked in on her freaking out in the bathroom just saying "I CANT GET THE BOTTLE OPEN!" Lmfao, what? They didn't even try to create a REAL suicide attempt. That was the lamest scene of someone trying to attempt suicide that I have literally ever seen. I don't even understand why she was in a hospital bed after that, when she apparently didn't even take any pills because she can't open a pill bottle. Failing on so many levels.
It was also great when they stole that scene afterwards directly from the movie Thirteen. After the whole string of stale unconvincing moments in this movie, for them to abrubtly implant a copycat scene directly from one of the most visceral and emotionally powerful movies on the reality of being a teenager.... it was so unnatural and completely threw me off, realizing this superficial actress probably studied the original scene and tried to copy exactly what Tracy's character did. That was so pathetic that it was both uncomfortable and hilarious.
That is all I have to say. I am going to move forward in my life pretending that I never saw this and it never happened, and I will bury it deep within my subconscious mind!