The film was made for teenagers on similar situations, but...
This was obviously made for kids going through similar stuff. The way in which at the end, in the support group, the therapist almost methodically tells them what they need to do when they face cyberbullying was almost like a heads up. However, what sort of kid would fall for this stuff?
First of all the character is unbelievably unrelatable. I don’t know if the tides have changed since I last went to school, but no one would bully a girl like that. She didn’t have the normal traits the crowd would generally pick on. She was white, thin, pretty, straight, social and didn’t seem to have any sort of financial disadvantage. I’m sorry that I put this out so bluntly, but normally, it’s the minorities who get bullied. This girl was almost too perfect.
So I imagine that if you’re a teen who happens to stumble onto the movie on TV, he/she is probably going to be unfazed. This is not reality for them.
Well, this is just my opinion. I wonder if there’s anyone out there who actually thought this film was helpful in any way for kids going through the same crap. For me, it just looked like a public service broadcast.