THIS is why Facebook is NOT for kids!
This movie sucked big sweaty beach-balls. That being said, it's a great example of why sites like Facebook (which it was obviously emulating) are NOT for kids and teens.
Facebook was created to be a way for college students to keep up with old friends from high school and to create new friends while in unfamiliar, often large, campuses. It was NOT created for whiny teens who are too full of hormones to use the internet properly, to chat with their "BFFs". Teens right now will friend ANYONE on Facebook, regardless of whether they know or even like those people. My little sister is a great example. She is a high school freshman and just got a Facebook account. She promptly got friend invites from TONS of people at her school, many of which she didn't know and several of which she didn't like! I had to show her how to un-friend people who she didn't WANT to be friends with, and cautioned her to only add those people that she actually liked. BAM! Cyber-bullying nipped right in the bud!
So many kids get online and go on a FRIEND-FRENZY, accepting friend invites willy-nilly, which is not only stupid but unsafe. Obviously those a-holes in your class are STILL going to be a-holes online, so why in the world would you friend them? Why would you friend complete strangers who you've never met in real life? This is how cyber-bullying, stalking, and pedophilia happens, boys and girls.
Oh, and if someone hacks your account: delete the hacked posts, change your password, or delete and recreate your profile. Simple. If you don't know how to do these things (and are too lazy to Google it), you do not belong on the internet. Running crying to your mom and dad about how meeeeeaaaaaannnnn everyone is shows your immaturity. Grow up of gtfo.
End Rant.