MovieChat Forums > Mine Games (2023) Discussion > The most unlikeable group of people ever

The most unlikeable group of people ever

Whom ever wrote this should be working at Hardee's for the rest of their life


The British guy was supremely annoying, and tried way to hard to be funny. The girl who played Rose used every cliche in the book for a tediously overwrought performance. The rest of the characters, like Jock Guy and Douchey Preppy Guy, barely had personalities, and Mike could quite possibly be the least-intimidating, least-frightening multiple murderer in horror movie history.

If not for Claire and her fantastic breasts, I don't know if I could have stuck with this movie.


This always plagues these movies. I don't get what it is in the horror genre where it's so common to have groups of people that are frankly quite unlikable. The best scary movies have characters you like, allowing you to feel the dread and fear so much more.

This one... I was rooting for the mine.


You've never seen crowsnest then.....I tore my eyes out. torture!!!! THAT'S the worst group of people on the planet. watch it. I dare you. I'll help you tear out any remaining eyes you may have
