The REAL Story Of EBM! He's Crazy!
It looks like everyone hoping to hold EBM up like some hero has distorted the truth. The EBM has mental problems.
This film is based on the incident in Oakland on a bus. It looked like this old white guy beat up this black thug. But in reality, if you do research, it's a long story. Turns out the black guy was not some thug, he was drunk. The old guy was totally crazy. After they got off the bus, the EBM went totally ape and started attacking a news stand. You can see the video "old guy beats a young black man on a bus PART 2 " on that tube thing. Then the EBM says the guy was some sort criminal but turns out the guy never was in prison. You can see the interview with the black guy who apologized for the way he acted. The video is called "AC Transit Bus Fight - Interview MICHAEL THE BLACK GUY THAT GOT BEAT UP - Epic Beard Man".
I think they found out that EBM was lying about being a Viet Nam vet, and the police said that he's crazy and he's been thrown off buses or something. And we find out that the EBM was actually tazed by cops at a sports game. You can see that video here "old guy tazed by police". I think the guy is just crazy maybe from the war maybe not.