MovieChat Forums > Bad Ass (2014) Discussion > The REAL Story Of EBM! He's Crazy!

The REAL Story Of EBM! He's Crazy!

It looks like everyone hoping to hold EBM up like some hero has distorted the truth. The EBM has mental problems.

This film is based on the incident in Oakland on a bus. It looked like this old white guy beat up this black thug. But in reality, if you do research, it's a long story. Turns out the black guy was not some thug, he was drunk. The old guy was totally crazy. After they got off the bus, the EBM went totally ape and started attacking a news stand. You can see the video "old guy beats a young black man on a bus PART 2 " on that tube thing. Then the EBM says the guy was some sort criminal but turns out the guy never was in prison. You can see the interview with the black guy who apologized for the way he acted. The video is called "AC Transit Bus Fight - Interview MICHAEL THE BLACK GUY THAT GOT BEAT UP - Epic Beard Man".

I think they found out that EBM was lying about being a Viet Nam vet, and the police said that he's crazy and he's been thrown off buses or something. And we find out that the EBM was actually tazed by cops at a sports game. You can see that video here "old guy tazed by police". I think the guy is just crazy maybe from the war maybe not.


ok, he's a crazy liar and not a hero. he's still a 67 year old man that defended himself against some random a-hole who thought he found an easy target to bully. not much else is necessary to appreciate a small moment of justice. sure as hell doesn't deserve a movie adaptation though lol

after seeing Danny Trejo plays EBM, i think i will watch it if it's as ridiculous as Machete or Hobo with a Shotgun and doesn't take itself too seriously.


Hobo With A Shotgun is good stuff. It's completely fictional, indulgent, and self-fulfilling. This piece of anti-white garbage doesn't deserve to be mentioned with that flick.

Rayvyn is obsessed with trying to tell everyone here that EBM is an out of control crazy deranged psycho & that Michael is an honest, misunderstood, articulate pillar of society. She has no respect for the truth and I think she's carrying a great big "I Hate Whitey" chip on her shoulder.


I think Rayvyn is on to something. I watched all the videos she mentioned when this whole debacle hit the web a couple years ago. There is also an interview with EBM that surfaced a few months later. The guy is off his rocker and made the bad situation started by drunk Michael on the bus much worse.


Exactly. This "Epic Bearded Man" changes his story with each interview. I doubt he's really 67 and I HIGHLY doubt he was a Vietnam vet. One story he's said he wanted some Stacy Adams shoes to wear to his mom's funeral and in the other interview he's said he an a buddy were on their way to Frisco to buy some weed. On top of all that, he lied about what he said to the black guy on the bus (as if we didn't watch the video!). Now, neither was in the right, but "EBM" started that sh!t buy telling that guy to shine his shoes. He was like, "You offered to shine my shoes" or something like that. That was BS, but the other guy should have just dropped it once EBM walked to the front of the bus.

I honestly never heard of this guy until the other day when I seen the trailer for Bad Ass and then went to these boards and read up on him. At first I thought, "Hey, right on VET. Don't take any sh!t" But after I started seeing the other videos of him, I realized this guy is off his rocker and is probably bipolar.
Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.


First of all, I'm a guy not a girl. And I just want people to know the truth about this thing. This guy is being made into some sort of hero and he's just a loon who's probably lying about being a Vietnam vet.


Not really. It was started by a racist comment from the bearded one about shining shoes. And the black guy was drunk. After the fight on the bus the black guy was trying to fight him again and the bearded one went crazy and walked off. Both men were taken to a hospital, neither was arrested and the bearded one was given a psychiatric evaluation. He was also given one after the cops tazed him at the game. No thugs involved, just a fistfight.


I'm with Rayvyn, after viewing all of the videos and hearing all the information...they're all crazy. This is America

"My cat can eat a whole watermelon!" - Ruben and Ed


Totally agree, the guy is a psychopath. Lets not forget that "young black punk" is actually a forty or-so year old and is not that much younger than the so-called "epic beard man". It's true that neither was in the right, but it's clear to me who instigated the whole thing. The guy is no hero, and I hate that people are treating him as such.


Both people are bums and a product of screwed up American society.


Pfft...sideline commentators.

Whatever happened on the bus, it was verbal. The black guy then *attacked* the old man escalating it into a physical confrontation. The old man proceded to knock the *uck out of him. Job done. The police charge and arrest whoever started a physicial attack, so the black guy would have got arrested and charged. Words are one thing, but if someone physically attacks you, you are allowed to defend yourself. Claiming the black guy was innocent is a load of rubbish, or that because he was drunk his attack is somehow justified! Rubbish! People have died at the hands of aggressive drunks and that comment is disgraceful.

If the old guy hadn't hit back, who knows what would have happened. He might be crazy, but that doesn't mean he should have his head kicked in by some random guy, he's allowed to defend himself.

You think because someone might be crazy they should be beat up? Rubbish. Please leave your confused righteous indignation at the door on the way out...


Nobody got arrested. Both men taken to the hospital and they kept the bearded on for psychiatric evaluation.


Why wasn't anyone arrested?

Excuse me, where are you taking us? Mexico
What's in Mexico? Mexicans


You're all wrong. Black guy interrupted EBM's conversation with his friend when he said he was gonna have his brother spit-shine his shoes. Black guy interpreted the word "brother" the other way and asked him why a brotha (black guy) has to shine his shoes.

Unaware of the misinterpretation, EBM thought the black guy was making an offer when he complained why his brother has to shine his shoes.

All this accusing EBM of being a racist stinks of projection to me. The way I see it, this old man was colorblind enough to not assume every possible connotation from a black man's mouth was a racial one. This is how true racists think, the same way only sick f#cks complain that some children's clothes are "too sexy".



I thought this whole movie was a sort of parody on the youtube video, about how stupid it is that a simple video of a small brawl, can turn a man into a hero. The irony is that all he did was one act of bravery, and the people of the city were looking for someone to fix all their problems. Bad Ass would have been shot to death very quick in real life, in those situations, so they exaggerated his power to sort of mock the people in need, expressing a sort of "yeah! this is what one person can do! he can save the whole city!", where essentially what you need is not a hero, but an organisation with a lot of power.. such as Hollywood. but, i digress.. good movie, good to just watch someone be hardcore.

In retrospect the real hero would be the man that did not need to resort to violence..
