MovieChat Forums > Bad Ass (2014) Discussion > Do not see this complete distortion of t...

Do not see this complete distortion of the true story

This cheesey flick is a fraud and lie about what really occurred in 2010 when a white Vietnam Vet defended himself against a black thug on a commuter bus in Oakland.

This movie is a LIE!! Do not see this waste of time, but instead see the youtube video of EPIC BEARD MAN, which is the REAL STORY.



So you wouldn't mind if Glory had Caucasians playing the soldiers of the 54th. Good to know.


I never watched 'Glory' and I'm glad I never wasted my money or time on such drivel.


I was replying to Stoic_Butt with that comment.


This is incredible. Epic bearded man was a white defending himself against a racist black and they had changed it to a latino defending against white skinheads.
One more lie of the mass media.


One more lie that i'll take way too seriously while hiding the angst of being offended by such an intentionally retarded movie

fixed that for you


but Epic Beard Man rightfully demands our undivided attention. by the way you misspelled Blue's Clues in your name. now that's a challenging treat of a show.


And what is that real story? The EBM was tazed by cops at a ball game and has a history of causing trouble according to the cops. Then they show part two of the fight where the black guy is making fists and the EBM is going totally bonkers. Just watch the videos "old guy tased by police". Then watch ""old guy beats a young black man on a bus PART 2 " where the old EBM goes totally bonkers. You can also watch an interview with the black guy who isn't a thug and you can see the racist remark that started the verbal fight. The black guy is not a thug he was just drunk and admits his wrongdoing and the cops let him go because they know EBM is crazy.


Here comes Rayvyn with her attempts to distract us from the anti-white propaganda. If you think Michael wasn't putting on a front during that interview then YOU are part of the problem. People like you are complicit in the growing anti-white sentiment in America. This isn't about the "haves" vs the "have-nots" and it's not about the top-tier wage earners. It's about racist black people, because they are out there mobbing in the name of Trayvon, and propaganda like this movie will do nothing but promote anti-white attitudes. People like you are sociopaths.

Hancockenstien is clearly a drinker of the liberal kool-aid. He repeatedly mocks and criticizes those of us who are concerned about the obvious promotion of anti-white racism to a demographic that is known for it's sub-standard intelligence and propensity for violence. He is part of the problem, too.


Ahh, more Caucasian racists on the internet. What a surprise.


Here comes Rayvyn with her attempts to distract us from the anti-white propaganda. If you think Michael wasn't putting on a front during that interview then YOU are part of the problem. People like you are complicit in the growing anti-white sentiment in America. This isn't about the "haves" vs the "have-nots" and it's not about the top-tier wage earners. It's about racist black people, because they are out there mobbing in the name of Trayvon, and propaganda like this movie will do nothing but promote anti-white attitudes. People like you are sociopaths.

The main antagonist(s) in this film are black, Dr. Derp.



Exactly "true story", whats that? EBM who I have personally witnessed to be bat-sh&*t crazy instigating a confrontation? Black guy should have just ignored his taunts, but to call him a "racist thug". That is total BS.

I don't know why this a-hole is getting glorified.


Exactly "true story", whats that? EBM who I have personally witnessed to be a victim of a ditzky bítch instigating a confrontation? Black guy should have just ignored her bullshít, but to call him a "racist thug". That is total BS.


