Jesus this EBM *beep* is unbelievable
I just watched THIS movie and it went how it went. What nobody has a beard? nobody rides a bus? I've never heard of this EBM crap till 5 minutes ago on this board. So many of you losers want to make it all about race when it isn't. Also so many of you are confusing some obscure real life incident with a movie. Sure you can make random comparisons of things that don't matter but you're watching and discussing THIS movie, not some other random BS about EBM. Just because someone is on a bus with a beard and defends someone doesn't mean it has to follow some EBM incident that the movie isn't even about. There is just a ridiculous amount of racially motivated agenda pushing threads on here that have nothing to do with the film. You should devote more effort to improving your personal characters and see the stomach turning ugliness of racism for what is it.