MovieChat Forums > Bad Ass (2014) Discussion > lol the black thugs are now white skinhe...

lol the black thugs are now white skinheads?

How very politically correct. Are there even any skinheads left in america? lol.


You act like white people can't be in gangs. Come to Virginia and I will show you the presence of white skinhead gangs. Why whenever a "non-minority" ie: white person is shown being a criminal it' such a shock and "politically correct". You act as if white's are the next best thing to God on earth. BTW before you start rattling of statistics just know numbers can be manipulated. The same way they were back in NYC when Rudy claimed "crime" was "down".


Gangs of white skinheads in VA? Uh, no. You can disagree and debate with someone without pulling absolute bill out of your behind, you know that right?


Apparently you're a complete idiot. Have you seen the original video? The vet was WHITE, not HISPANIC...the THUGS were ONE black man (who is actually very well read and not a thug, just drunk). And it was INSTIGATED by the veteran who ended up being insane. And there are skinheads still in America, maybe if you actually did research before spouting nonsense you'd know.


"Well read" lmao. The guy was a classic black loudmouth thug and he got his ass kicked.


Really? Watch an interview with him. The Viet vet was unstable. Again, learn to research instead of talking out of your ass.


The black man acted like stupid ass thug in the vid, be the backstory what ever.


I think they put in the two white guys to balance out the amount of black guys Bad Ass beats up.


Yes...But most of them are in jail.

They make up 0,1% of the prison population and 20% of the murders, pretty damn violent statistics.

Light travels faster than sound,
that's why people seem bright,
until you hear them.


not even mentioning that epic beard man is latino in this one. And there wouldnt be anything wrong with it except that it is a signal that producers destroyed this movie totally on the initial project startup. Because of the typical political bull...

And aside from the movie- it is somewhat a shame that movies are so political these days. Including american sniper and including this movie.
