You cannot make a Time Bandits tv show and not have midgets.
Not "midgets", LITTLE PEOPLE!!!
Well, if you're insisting on political correctness, the term is vertically-challenged. Because what human being wouldn't want to be called something so remarkably inhuman?
"Dwarf" is the proper medical term.
Please, vertically-challenged.
Dwarf is THE Proper term.
The movie didn't, so no!
The movie had no vertically-challenged people in it? Then the boy and people like Sean Connery must have been giants!
A Time Bandits movie without dwarfs, or midgets, or whatever the hell they were, is not a Time Bandits movie!
Thanks to Peter "Pull the ladder up Jack" Dinklage, we'll be lucky to see a midget playing a midget on screen ever again.
Yup. He got his. No need for anyone else to get theirs. Typical champagne socialist...