MovieChat Forums > La migliore offerta (2014) Discussion > The Character of Billy Developed Enough?

The Character of Billy Developed Enough?

I didn't feel as though Billy's character was developed well enough. It seemed like they kind of squandered Sutherland's acting ability. Then again, I suppose the director didn't want Billy to come off as too resentful, otherwise it might tip the audience off as to what was going on. Also, I suppose it was also to prove what Billy said, that anyone can fake anything, including any human emotion. He was probably trying to hold back his resentfulness so Virgil didn't suspect anything. Now that I've thought this out loud, I guess maybe he was portrayed as well as he could be without giving the whole thing away too early on. When he buys back the painting for Virgil, I totally bought it, too. I still had no idea at that point what was going on. Your thoughts?


Bully was darn subtle. He played the role of the perfect, devoted friend, never ruffled by Virgil's blustering, trying to make amends for a simple mistake when the mistake was really Virgil's, and then bam, he pulled a huge con on Virgil. Come to think of it, I should have seen it coming just based on the perfection of the character.
