So, Tony Hawk Character is retarded?
This guy most be the biggest moron in cinema history, he finds in his attic a box full of movies with a bunch of murders that only the murderer could have made, and only the murderer could have put in there, he knows the box wasn't there before so was put in there for the murderer specially for him, but apparently that is not a good reason for this guy to runaway from that house immediately, over the night he hears steps in the same attic were the murder left the videos no red flag there either, the office he closed with keys is open during the night and someone start playing the videos of the murders, but not no reason, his son is freezing in the middle of the night with night terrors probably after watched the videos, so far so good for him no real reason to leave, later he finds the drawn of the homicides in the attic ¿who the fuck put it in there? If not the murderer? You dumb fuck. But everything is ok, must be because is an old house or something, he sees a picture of himself being pulled down by a bunch of little ghost arms, nothing to worry about, his little girl is drawning pictures of the damn missing girl on the wall a saying the girl is talking to her and neither he nor his wife ask about that, how she would have known that room belong to the brother of the missing girl? The drawn is of the girl on the tree
I really hate this guy I get it he wanted to write an important book and feel this was his last chance, but he could have made copies of the videos give the originals to the police and leave the place, at this point he has no reason to think there is something supernatural about this but at least is clear a murder have access to the house that is what I would have think from day one, a semi famous true-crime writer came to town and the murder want to play with him make his family the next victim all the other cases are mom, dad and two kids families like his, he should have suspected he was a target.