LSD episode and parents
In this tragic episode, a high school girl decides to try LSD. Sadly she took a synthetic drug and not LSD and died in the basement of her own house while having a slumber party. The girl told her friends she wanted to try LSD, and asked her friends for some. She bought the LSD from a boy who she went to high school with, who bought it from another guy in high school who bought it from a girl in high school who bought it from a dealer who bought it from a dealer. The kids were all good students who were mostly honor roll kids. The parents wanted the 3 kids who their daughter asked them to get LSD for, to get charged with murder. These were not dealers, her daughter went to the first guy and asked him if he could find some for her so he did. I think this is another case of family members from someone who died who need someone to blame. You see it a lot on these shows. Someone needs to be charged for the family to get peace. Even if there isn't a lot of evidence against some of the people in other cases. In this case, the parents were upstairs and never checked on their daughter. They even left in the morning to go out and didn't know she was dying downstairs. They never take responsibility for these actions, but would rather blame someone else and wanted them charged with murder. While this was a tragic death, and I feel horrible for them, trying to charge those other kids with murder was too extreme. Their daughter asked for the LSD. The parents didn't check on their daughter all night and even the next day. Blaming the kids won't bring her back, but I'm sure would help them emotionally by having someone to say "it's their fault". I feel bad for them, bc they loved her very much. But you see cases where the family goes after someone, and even if there is lot of questions if the suspect was involved, and they need a guilty verdict for closure in their own lives. I wonder if their is some medical term for this?