The Raid vs The Raid 2
For those who saw the sequel, make your choice... Hj
For those who saw the sequel, make your choice... Hj
Raid 2 is a better movie without a shadow of a doubt. The story is better allowing for some good dramatic moments tut let the film breathe. The characters more fleshed out & it has better set pieces & of course, the villains are way nastier.
shareDuh Raid 2 but both are fantastic.
The Raid 2 is a better movie overall, but not the action/fighting scenes...i thought they were alot more intense in this one.
~If the realistic details fails, the movie fails~
it's impossible to decide which one is the best, they're both so unbelievably intense that it's impossible to choose
shareThe Raid 1 is an adrenaline rush to the very end. The last half of the Raid 2 is when it starts to pick up and that kitchen fight was balls out awesome. I'll give the edge to The Raid 1 for now.
shareI actually thought the first Raid movie was clearly superior. The Raid 2, while not bad, is still pretty crumby when people aren't fighting each other. The hokey melodrama and whatnot in that film really drags it down. The first Raid, if I recall correctly, had no such problem. Overall, I'd give the first one an 8/10 and the second one a 6/10.
shareThe Raid 2 is easier to admire than love for me personally. I like that the filmmakers decided to go in such a radically different direction from the first one when they could have easily- and if it were a Hollywood sequel they would have for sure- just made it a repeat of the original concept ala Die Hard 2. That said, I'm not sure the ambition necessarily pays off. There is more plot and character development sure but its the sort of plot we've seen plenty of before in other gangster films and action films before it. The story isn't a very focused one at all and for a good middle chunk of the film the main character is pretty inconsequential. That said, the action scenes in the film ARE on a grander scale and are largely better than what we get in the first film. I just which the second film were a little tighter and more focused and then it would truly trump the first. As it stands though, as an overall movie The Raid is simply the better movie.
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I'm in complete agreement with you and would like to add that the Mad Dog doppelganger addition was completely unnecessary. Jettison all of his scenes, add a quick explanation for the gang war catalyst, and you have a much tighter film.