What the actual fuck...

did I just watch. Now don't get me wrong I like ambiguous stylized movies and series but this takes it to a whole new level where nothing makes any sense, the scenes are so disjointed and peculiar, all with really bad sound mixing and cinematography seemingly switching between bad and great. What the hell is happening???? maybe consistency is all this needs really...


Actually, I agree with you. I caught the show mid season episode, so I stopped and went to see episode one. I think they rely too much on the cinematography and not enough on building up the characters foundations. It could be a good show, but they have to stop being dramatic, and stay with the storyline.


I am so relieved to see I was not the only one feeling this way. This last episode was the worst I have ever seen,,,with the flashing lightshows every five minutes, the Marilyn Monroe appearance, the creatures coming out of the tank, Oh please make it stop already!
The first 2 episodes had the makings of a great season, and a cool show. They ruined it. I actually feel embarrassed for the actors. It went from a great premise of a show, to the very constant and expected, trying very hard to be dramatic, pull the rabbit out of the hat ridiculous moves.

My apologies for the venting, but I just couldnt help myself, lol


No need to apologise for venting. It's episode 5, and I still have as much of an idea what the story is about, as I did in episode 2. Is the wife that important to it?

And I'm sorry, but Gillian Anderson is not the right actress to play a character that takes the form of Marilyn Monroe, David Bowie or any other pop culture icon. All she does is speak in a detached manner and blink!

Well, that's my rant for the day lol


By all means, rant away, lol.. The wife is actually on my nerves. Notice when Shadow saw her for the first time, all he wanted to know was if she slept with his friend. She even suggested that the thing to concentrate on is the fact that she is sitting there ALIVE.
That first episode was just so good, and now it just isnt.


I don't mind the wife per se, and I liked how she basically told the leprechaun "Tough luck!" about getting the coin back. But I don't really understand why we needed one and a half episodes of her. In an 8 episode season.

On the positive, Ian McShane looks to be having a lot of fun, which makes all of his scenes a pleasure to watch (for me at least). And I like the show stylistically, except for the music. But I just don't understand where we're going with all this, storywise.


I love you, Mina! I watched the ep thinking, "Gillian Anderson should NOT try to play Marilyn Monroe!" Now that I see the requirements of the role, it begs the question: how the hell did she get cast? How did Shadow get cast? And does anybody here like, or even care, about Laura? What a repulsive little tw*t.

PS It took 17 minutes before something actually happened in this episode. I know because I paused the DVR to see how much time had elapsed.

PPS Is it possible that McShane is having fun because he has to get bombed in order to film this stuff?



How did she get cast? Fuller has the habit of working with the same actors, so that explains that. Her acting style kind of fitted on Hannibal, but it doesn't fit here. And I just don't see her having the range for that character.

The guy playing Shadow has started growing on me a bit. There's only so much you can do when playing a brooding, surly guy. There is some life into his performance when he's confused by what's going on.

I don't particularly like Laura (had to look up who that was), but her character is supposed to be a terrible person. She's a bit of a boring terrible person, though. At least they've given her a story arc, but why her out of all the other characters? Is it because she's (ex)human? All the other great actors are given pretty much nothing at this stage.

Little is happening, and the characters they are developing, aren't that interesting.

P.S. I don't know what getting bombed entails, I'm going to assume it has something to do with drugs or alcohol, so in that case, yeah, probably. But he shouldn't be doing that stuff at his age lol


Casting an actor to play several characters (Media) would be hard. I think GA did a fine job. And it should be the SAME person taking on these rolls. Media can be how we perceive the real characters, who had many incarnations in their careers. And the actor for Shadow has grown on me, too. I think we are supposed to wait for these aspects/characters to continue, evolve and play out before full disclosure or the story. Only 8 episodes, too. I think they are trying to get a 2nd season, something HBO probably had to do with. I'm liking the series enough to want more, so I'm going to keep tuning in. The creators of the series have respect and talent, so I'll stay tuned. Iv'e watched Marilyn, Lucy and David a LONG time and these portrayals and what they said is supposed to be the MEDIA (actual) depiction in one "lump sum", to further the story line. IMHO.


I guess you're right, that it's not supposed to be an... impression, I suppose, of these people. It's just, I don't like Gillian Anderson's mannerisms, maybe that's it. She just doesn't fit in for me here. I haven't seen the latest two episodes, so maybe that'll change after I do (though I doubt it).

As for the second season, the show's already been renewed. I just expected more from Bryan Fuller. He has an excellent track record, when it comes to quality (if not with longevity for his shows).


I feel ya on this mostly, but I do think after like EP4 or 5 it got better. I wasn't feeling it and had stopped watching after EP3, but decided yesterday to catch back up to see if I was missing anything. I still don't think it's as great as some say or as I thought it would be, but it got a bit more compelling in my opinion. Enough that I plan on watching till season's end since that's soon anyways.

I'm not fond of the actor they got for Shadow, but I think this may be one of his first major acting gigs so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and they have surrounded him, mostly, with a group of great and experienced actors so it doesn't hurt too much. I just think the story was all over the place, couldn't find itself, and was too opaque at first even for a show that's already based on a weird premise as it is. I don't know, we'll see how this season wraps up....


I think that maybe they've started to structure shows for binge watching, even if they're released week to week. So if you (general you) see it all in one go, maybe it's not as... weird? But I found it to be a bit frustrating watching week to week. It feels like they couldn't quite figure out how to tell the story for the small screen.

There's still interesting things there, though. And in ep. 5 they did start to move things along with the war and what-not. I'll have to catch up with the rest of the episodes these days.

The casting (with a few exceptions) is good. A lot of great actors were cast here.


You could be right. I watched the first 3 week to week, but the rest I binged so maybe there is some validity to that. Given that a lot of show runners say they're making, "10 hour movies," opposed to a season of TV I wouldn't find it all that surprising that a lot of them view better as a whole.

I think AG has begun to have more of a narrative format than just these weird, kind of abstract scenes that loosely seem to be tied together so I was able to get into it a bit more, but...I do think they dropped the ball with the first couple and that's not a great thing to do when you're right out of the gate!


They really butchered a great chance at a new and different show. I found myself yawning at the last show, with the ex wife having superpowers and all the dramatic music and so on... puleese. Help me lord.


it sure is trippy but not in a bad way i think.


But isnt it just so different than the very first episode? There was a storyline that was intriguing..Now I see the actors with a green screen behind them with the lame special effects and to me, they just look silly. I will watch the rest of the season, but if this continues, there will be no season 2 for me..Or for them I think.


I can see how it can be off-putting. but i still feel the battle between the Gods is interesting enough to negate all that.


It's already renewed for another season. Let joy be unconfined!


Too bad this meandering nonsense doesn't have David Lynch as the show runner. The idiot sycophants that worship that hack will gobble up whatever he shits out, claim that it means something and beg for him to fill their mouths with more.

More on topic, it is odd that the first episode showed so much promise and then turned to shit almost as pathetic as Twin Peaks Redux. There I said it. Other than the always brilliant Ian McShane (maybe Crispin Glover) I sort of hate all the characters. Are we supposed to be impressed because they trotted out a bunch of mediocre non American actors? Sorry but only idiot anglophiles fall for that crap. Are even anglophiles clueless enough to fall for the wretched attempts at "American" accents on display here? Gillian Anderson did a better Bowie than any of the non Americans did failing miserably to sound non UK or non Aussie or whatever.

Just a shoddy mess so far that seems to be happy spinning it's wheels.


My sentiments exactly pankoeken, about this and Twin Peaks SE3, I finished this last night only because it's only 8 episodes, I stopped watching Peaks after ep 5, haven't got the will power to sit through another 13 or so episodes of nothing happening and Agent Cooper acting like a idiot.


I think you are trying to make linear sense of this story and its not to be understood right away. The scenes are set up to be disjointed and peculiar for a reason. I like to make one suggestion to you, there are videos on Youtube that is breakdown each episdoe: try with the first episode and see if that helps you to make more sense of the questions you may have: "american gods episode 1 breakdown" :


Thanks, I will do that, too. I do like the series, and feel it's really trying to get to 2nd season for more and probably HBO who had to do with that. I think many here are underestimating it and not trying to see all it offers. Lots of talent involved and I'd like to see more. I think more will come, just be patient.


The Easter episode (finale) was awful. I gave up. No second season for me.


>>> The Easter episode (finale) was awful. I gave up. No second season for me. <<<

Ditto. I found it pretty tacky and stupid, though the 14 different "Jesus" characters did seem like faithful to how you would imagine "Jesus" would be in the flesh. No season 2 for me, either.


The show had so much potential. But most of it was Shadow looking perplexed half the time, lol


Exactly. That my reaction after binge watching all 8 episodes of season 1. It was an exhausting experience that left me shaking my head going "WTF?!!?!"


Agreed! WTF?? I had such a headache after the Easter finale, that now I might dislike bunnies because of it, lol
