no one is likeable except sean
brandon, lori and jessie are all irritating.
shareBrandon especially
shareSean isn't likeable either....the one episode where he's feels its a good locker "cause his b*lls itch"...really? You are a professional auctioneer? Right, I've got some swamp land in NYC for sale...Not to mention Sean sells a locker, then upon nosing in to see whats in it, if if has questionable goods he's like I have to call the authorities...why are you selling something if it has questionable goods, and are you going to give the bidders their money back? He's an a** just like the rest of the cast LOL!
"Why torture yourself when life will do it for you."
He doesnt know whats in the lockers ahead of time.
share1st of all, that's BS......they do an inventory of shed contents before doing a REAL auction. 2nd of all, it's not a real auction and it's incredibly fake and he DEFINITELY knows what is in the sheds no matter how you slice it. By the way......did I say the show ISN'T real? If it's on TruTv (original programming) know it's FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!
shareWOW! Calm down! Take your Meds Sweet!
shareThey are horrible. Terrible show altogether.
shareAnd Sean's fake auctioneer schpiel: "35 bararararararart I got 35 let's have 36 bararararararararat..." WTF is that tongue rolling in between numbers? That's not how auctioneers sound. They say WORDS really fast, not just roll an R for a second.
It's is short for *it is* or *it has*. This is a 100% rule with no exceptions.