Renewed for Season 5

This is old news apparently, but I only just found out. At SDCC, the show was renewed for season 5, so I guess we're in for the long haul, and I am glad that is the case. The link below contains some previously posted to the boards info, but was my original source. I hope the show runs for as long as possible.

Also wanted to mention, per Wikipedia, which seems to have reliable episode info, the rest of the S3 episodes are all set to air for all of Sept.


Glad to hear that this show is still going strong.

Bon Scott


It sounds like season four (at least the first part) may focus on Turtles In Space which will finally work that part of the classic comic book story in. Not sure where they will take it after that but I'm sure they have it planned out for years in advance. Here's to hoping that City At War eventually gets worked in there somewhere.


Yeah, that should be cool. They are taking this in some really different directions while still following the comic and managing to honor the previously existing cartoons. Seems like we could potentially run as long as the original series with more episodes each season than the original had.

I also like, and this was one of the things the linked article discussed, is that the Kraang and the Utroms are going to be separate and I can't wait to see how this plays out.

Even just the remainder of S3 has some seriously action packed stuff and we should be in for one heck of a ride. If that had to be my only criticism of this series is Nick stretching the seasons out so far and me having to keep tabs on online episode guides to find out when new ones are going to air.


Really looking forward to the next 4 episodes. Slept on the show when it started, started watching half way thru 2nd season and am hooked. It's really well done and looks to go full b@tsh!t in the next 4. Now just find a way to guest spot Usagi and friends and I'm great!
