The Neutrinos

Well they've finally introduced the 2012 version of the Neutrinos and I have to say I'm a little disappointed. Apparently in this universe they are tiny, microscopic living, sentient robots that can attack you from inside your body. The versions that alot of us grew up with were Zak, Kala and Dask, the "hot rodding teenagers from Dimension X" and that version has also been used in the IDW comic book. In the '87 cartoon they were light hearted and Kala even became Mikey's love interest, while in IDW they are older looking and more mature, even going so far as to swear...and they were also human sized in both versions. Not to mention that they have been turned into villains here when they are supposed to be good guys. The only thing that was done correctly was the car, except that it was to small. I figure the folks in charge here were going for a version of the Neutrinos that would fit into this particular universe, (essentially the Eastman and Laird, Mirage universe), and they were pretty bad ass but still...


I haven't seen the episode but that reminds me of the plot from Mirage volume 4 where April is attacked by nanobots and gets really ill.

All good things must come to an end - Chaucer


It's very surprising when so many other characters are fairly close to their previous incarnations. 

Oh well. New show, new rules.

Besides, I'm not sure the Neutrinos as we knew them would really work today...


Why wouldn't they? They're hardly sillier than some of the stuff they've already done.


@ Times_UP: That may have acted as a partial inspiration but I still wouldn' t have gone with this.

@Jangbadass: If you want to introduce the current generation to the Neutrinos than do it correctly instead of screwing it up. Besides, they worked out pretty well in the current comic book so why wouldn't they work in the current tv series, I would have liked to have seen them translated into CGI anyway. I was also hoping that the Neutrinos would become another ally species along with the Salamandrians to strengthen the turtles fight against the Triceratons that much more. So much for that I guess. Also I fixed up my original post including my spelling of the word neutrino which I realised thanks to you. Man, that was embarrassing, here I am complaining about something that I apparently don't even know how to spell the name of.


Maybe the turtles will encounter the Neutrinos again and they'll turn out to be humanoids in armor who were miniaturized and forced to work for Bellybomb.

Thit and thpin!


I suppose that is possible. Honeycutt started telling us that the Neutrinos true species and origin are unknown until Raph interrupted so maybe we will be in for a treat somewhere down the intergalactic road.


Never cared much for the Neutrinos in the old cartoon, so I wouldn't be disappointed if we don't see them again.

If they producers make them more like the IDW comics Neutrinos, though, I can work with that. So many returning characters from previous iterations of the franchise are in-name-only that this will probably be the case.

Thit and thpin!


I hope Zak, Kala and Dask, the "hot rodding teenagers from Dimension X" make an appearance, they may be rebel neutrinos that developed human-sized bodies from organic matter found on dimension X (but who still have neutrino-like analogous structures to white blood cell//there is a lot of organic matter on dimension X, for a different dimension that is, or so it seems) and want to bring this "ascension" on all and any neutrinos willing to give up their wicked ways.
