MovieChat Forums > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Discussion > Between plothole and time paradox...

Between plothole and time paradox...

The original turtles had:

1.Seen Splinter betrayed

2.Seen Earth destroyed

3.Been rescued by Fugitoid simultaneously with Earth's destruction

The "new" turtles haven't and...

4.They have heard how Fugitoid is not betraying them but sacrificing himself

5.Been told to trust Fugitoid.

6.Seen earth survive in a last stand by working with their own "original" turtles

And do not let me being about what "surviving" Fugitoid knows...

How will the timeline return to what it has been shown in this episode when every episode we have seen so far require the turtles to be unaware of this current development?

Just to show one such example:

The turtles yell at Splinter just before Shredder is to betray him, and Splinter is quick enough to act on this warning and change his own fate... The "new" turtles are unaware that fate would have fallen upon Splinter without the action of their future selves...

See it? This is just one point to consider, there are many more.


Seems like any work that deals with time travel is going to have some plot holes. Skynet could've saved itself trouble by sending a terminator to kill Sarah Conner's mother.


Every time travel story ever has suffered paradox issues, even if they are not addressed within the story - that's just the nature of time travel. I generally think it should be avoided in "serious" sci-fi, though it can be fun if done well (Terminator, Babylon 5, etc etc...).

Seeing as this is a cartoon in which a lot of things don't make sense, I'm perfectly happy to overlook paradoxes! In fact, I think they handled it surprisingly well! Great finale to the Triceraton story arc!


First of all, Shredder already betrayed Splinter sixteen years ago. Let's not forget what he did to his poor "brother": turned on him, killed his father, took over the Foot Clan, killed his wife (and nearly Splinter himself) and kidnapped his daughter, so it was no surprise to me that Shredder would do it again here. He insists on blaming Splinter for everything because Shredder is stupid and cares about no one but himself, in which case Splinter was right, the only true "monster" here is Shredder.

Also, Space Leo told the original turtles to trust Fugitoid in order to convince them to go into space. Other wise none of the events that just occurred would happen which would change the time line again (and who knows how the a third version would turn out). This also took care of the "time clone" problem (when it comes to Casey, Raph and Mikey one of each is more than enough. Lol!).

Yes, this was a good finale to the space arch and because it is a cartoon I didn't take it as seriously as, say, Back to the Future, but it works for what it is and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 😃


Yep, I enjoyed it too and... well... Leo's helmet cracked and his head didn't boiled as it expanded and he suffocated... The spacefaring turtles have suits that do not completely cover their bodies yet the uncovered parts are not affected by the nature of outer space... April and Casey were not wearing spacesuits when Fugitoid threw them from above the atmosphere... They didn't burn as they entered the atmosphere... The spaceship was burning as it entered Mars despite no atmosphere to make it burn... Yes... I get all that... But I demand more answers when it comes to time travel, mostly because I love it...

And yes, Shredder has betrayed Splinter before, but in the original timeline Shredder FATALLY betrayed Splinter, in the new timeline the space-faring turtles warned him in time.
