New Episodes return August 14th!

Just thought I'd drop this info for those who didn't know.

Per the official TMNT twitter account:

Can't wait since it's been a while and we still have a few eps left of S4 to go before we're officially in S5!


Cool news. I'm happy we still have this show.

My Little Pony + Black Sabbath + Judas Priest + Iron Maiden + Metallica + Pantera = LIFE


City at War dropped today. I watched it online.

This was a welcome return in not just a new episode but focusing on the core characters. Karai is no longer affected by the brain worm and still can change into a snake and back. April is a ninja now.Newly designed intro and that episodes that the creation of Super Shredder?

I absolutely loved every minute of it. Can't wait to see next week's, especially if the end sequence of this week's episode is going to do what I think it is.


We get introduced to brand new character Shinigami who has dope taste in capes & hats. Her being pals with Karai expands the possibilities for passing the Bechdel-Wallace test without having to ponder Utrom gender. SHINIGAMI HAS TIGER CLAW’S EYE IN HER KUSARIGAMA!

I'm almost clever!
