Darkest Plight: Rat King Mirage comic book material, NICE!!!
Ah, just as I expected, did anyone else notice the HUGE Mirage comic book reference in this last episode? Splinter's ordeal with Rat King was almost an exact mirror image of those same events in the original comic book. The only difference was that the monster Rat King in the comic was one big rat beast while this version was made of his entire army of rats glommed together on top of him which was pretty gross (I loved it!). These events are covered in Mirage TMNT Vol. 1 issues 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59 which are City At War parts six through ten. That's right, five issues covered in one half hour episode. I did also enjoy the continuing battle with Super Shredder of course. Looks like the count down to his final destruction has begun and this season is appearing to have a promising finale. This could finally be the end of the Shredder, keep your fingers crossed!