MovieChat Forums > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Discussion > Hiatus with 7 Episodes Left of Season 4 ...

Hiatus with 7 Episodes Left of Season 4 plus something else......

As of this post, and since this board seems to be somewhat active, after just getting a string of new episodes, Nick has AGAIN put the show on hiatus. It's crazy how they've made these seasons last so long. This will be the longest stretched out season yet. S4 started in Oct. 2015 and might not end until 2017 potentially.

New episodes are not slated to return until November 6th. The one slated to premiere on that date is titled The Super Shredder. Can't wait to see what happens. 2 more episodes after that is the 100th episode of this series. I wonder if they have anything planned.

Also picked up this bit of info from the Technodrome forums: [spoiler] The rabbit is back!!

DAE think this show might end after next season? Do you think it would be stretched into 2018 if it did? I know it's all speculation by me, and I would like to see it run on for longer, but I also know that things have to end at some point.


Ah, the rabbit, that would explain the title of an episode from the upcoming season "The Lost Swordsman", it must be Usagi Yojimbo. Funny since they have had such trouble obtaining that character now that Peter Laird is out of the equation. I'm also looking forward to seeing Super Shredder in action. 😃


Yeah, from his creator no less. I can't wait to see how they use him this time around and whether or not it is him who cut off Tigerclaw's tail...


That could very well be. It would explain why Tiger Claw referred to his rival as 'they' instead of 'he' when he told us his story in his debut episode. The writers where trying not to spoil the surprise for us. 😉

And yes, Usagi-san's creator Stan Sakai is good friends with Peter Laird which was the only reason that they were able to cross those characters over so many times. Now that Laird no longer has a say in TMNT, not to mention having to get the okay from Dark Horse which currently owns Usagi's comic book rights, further cross overs where highly unexpected in which case, granted that this is the plan for the upcoming season, we should be in for a really awesome treat.


It is tiring that the next new episode isn't until November 6 :(

Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan


It is, but the TMNT Master account on Twitter dropped a bunch of info from the Turtles panel that was held at NYCC this afternoon.

Major spoilers at the following link, so don't click if you don't want to see anything.


If the series finished there will still be some kind of Turltes series. I've stated before on this board my belief is that the Turtles aren't going anywhere for the foreseeable future. I think they've proven to be permanent fixtures of toy stores (and therefore TV screens) due to their popularity. Like Batman and Spider-Man, the Turtles endure to all kids. And they did this despite their two cinematic entries being absolutely awful.

Usagi? That's cool. I know that his figure is one of the very best of the original series' toys. Partly it was due to the cool weapons he had. I sure as hell hope they don't screw him up.


Funny you should mention the Usagi toy's weapons. I somehow lost or broke Leo's swords and Don's bo. Subsequently, they got Usagi's katana and naginata.

Thit and thpin!


That's ok, he had enough to spare. 🙂


After the last two episodes, I'm really excited to see what going to become of the Super Shredder. He's used up what's left of his mutagen, so I image his demise is finally upon us all.

Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic fan
