Hiatus with 7 Episodes Left of Season 4 plus something else......
As of this post, and since this board seems to be somewhat active, after just getting a string of new episodes, Nick has AGAIN put the show on hiatus. It's crazy how they've made these seasons last so long. This will be the longest stretched out season yet. S4 started in Oct. 2015 and might not end until 2017 potentially.
New episodes are not slated to return until November 6th. The one slated to premiere on that date is titled The Super Shredder. Can't wait to see what happens. 2 more episodes after that is the 100th episode of this series. I wonder if they have anything planned.
Also picked up this bit of info from the Technodrome forums: [spoiler]http://www.teenagemutantninjaturtles.com/2016/09/14/sakai-confirms-usagi-yojimbo-nick-tmnt/ The rabbit is back!!
DAE think this show might end after next season? Do you think it would be stretched into 2018 if it did? I know it's all speculation by me, and I would like to see it run on for longer, but I also know that things have to end at some point.