MovieChat Forums > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) Discussion > "The Insectica Trifectica" A prediction...

"The Insectica Trifectica" A prediction of what is to come

Well, it looks like another one of my ideas for this show is not being used as they are doing "City At War" now instead of saving it for the grand finale. We have however, gotten a pretty cool treat with the introductions of both Scumbug and Antrax (characters best remembered as being in the classic 80's cartoon and toy line), as well as Shredder's slow blooming mutation. That's right, as a great turtle once said, " it's a Super Shredder !" I have a prediction for what may happen down the road, although seeing how some of my past suggestions have turned out differently than I wanted (or than expected), it probably won't happen this way, but I figure it's worth a shot.

Namely, I see more possible betrayl in the Foot Clan. This time it could be Tiger Claw of all members since he does show a sense of honor and just look how angry he got at Shredder in the season three finale for choosing his vendetta with Splinter instead of helping him save the world. Hopefully Tiger Claw will finally open his one remaining eye to the truth about Shredder being evil, especially when Shredder's new mutant strength goes to his head, which is pretty much a given. I also see Bebop and Rocksteady betraying Shredder since they never wanted to work for him to begin with. I also wonder if Stockman may have a little surprise twist in mind with this newly formulated mutagen of his. Either way though, this could finally be the end of the Shredder, this time for good, as we make the transition into season five with Mark Hamill's character, the demodragon Kavaxas, becoming the new main villain.

What are some predictions that you guys have about where the events in the last episode are leading us?


I'm wondering when Shredder will be defeated? I guess in the series finale.

Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, and Metallica are Bronies


I'm guessing at the end of this season after becoming Super Shredder and undoubtedly going brawn over brain.


I want Tiger Claw to mutiny so bad.
