Need to at least keep it grounded in reality
No Mr. Freeze or Clayface or Poison Ivy, please.
shareeh. the Nolan movies were already too ultra grounded. they're taking it next level with these flicks. we have other heroes for these kind of stories. like Daredevil or Green Arrow. Batman needs to be a little nuts.
shareplease? PLEASE??/ yet another bandwagon moron who think batman should be MUH RELISTIC. lol. fuck outta here you bandwagon dipshit. no clayface? fuck off already! no mr freeze? lol, one of the deepest characters.
Okay. So how about Darkseid or Dr. Destiny or other characters way too powerful for Batman. They need Deathstroke, Anarky, Hush characters that Batman could actually fight. Without some ridiculous armor he would not stand a chance against Mr. Freeze. There are a ton of believable villains in Batman comics, they don't need to use the superpowered ones.
sharefuck off already bandwagon moron nolantard piece of shit. play the arkham games, they are loyal to the comics and not MUH REALISM like you want. batman was never realistic and dosent suppose to be. the real fans dont want more MUH REALISM fan fiction because some morons bandwagon trash like you think batman should be "realistic"