Worst batman movie in history.
The pace is as slow, as a snail on codeine. Pattinson is no batman, he is an emo boy with a smol pp. Zoe Kravitz, a 5 ft 3 100lbs girl is knocking guys out with single kicks. The action scenes are slapstick comedy. The plot is: "Rich man is evil ---read out all riddler clues out loud-then wait for emo batman to solve them". Wouldn't even recommend this, if this was a 30 second tik tok video.
People like you ruin our society, our movies, our culture. You are the result of a dumbed down version of an already dumbed down society, a true idiocracy.
Because it doesn't match yours? I bet yours is a lot more awful.
And my political beliefs. Well, if being against communism/socialism/authoritarians/woketards and progressives and being pro liberalism, freedom is bad then I guess it's bad. But I don't think it's bad. I bet that's better than any of your political beliefs like supporting a POTUS with mental issues that factually has problems dealing with reality.
The Batman got great critical reception and good reception among the massive audiences. It was a box office hit as well. I enjoyed the movie as well. You are in the minority in not liking it. I am happy we will be getting a sequel to it as well. I am glad morons like you are not in charge of making films. The only thing you have produced is a crap in a toilet. Leave the film making to the experts, sit back and close your mouth. Nothing you can do to change the film's success. Deal with it.
Socialism the scare word. All you idiots are the same.
Socialism is a scare word they have hurled at every advance the people have made in the last 20 years.
Socialism is what they called public power. Socialism is what they called social security.
Socialism is what they called farm price supports.
Socialism is what they called bank deposit insurance.
Socialism is what they called the growth of free and independent labor organizations.
Socialism is their name for almost anything that helps all the people.
When the Republican candidate inscribes the slogan "Down With Socialism" on the banner of his "great crusade," that is really not what he means at all.
What he really means is "Down with Progress--down with Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal," and "down with Harry Truman's fair Deal." That's all he means.
You idiot, don't tell me what socialism is. I actually LIVED in a socialist country you moron. And if you call that communism you're even a bigger moron!!!
What you (or Truman, or republicans) call socialism is NOT socialism. Social security is NOT socialism. Neither are the other.
You are so dumb to not understand the difference between social services in a capitalist economic frame and socialism.
No wonder your movie taste sucks as well.
And no, I'm not against social security and welfare, I'm pro. I'm pro public education and pro public healthcare you moron. Real public healthcare - Europe style - not what the democrats are planning. I'm not a republican to call "socialism" all the good things you imbecile. I call socialism what IS socialism.
I'm more to the left than most US democrats, maybe even more than you, moron, that doesn't mean that I support socialism.
I never said the word communism you idiot. Did you read what I wrote? Also where did I say I was a democrat? Nice assumption on your part. You have the it's every man for himself type mentality. Society has never worked that way. Also so are you saying capitalism is perfect?
Yeah, idiot, and I said "If" - can you fucking read? It was preemptive because a lot of idiotic socialism apologists use this "defense" - "no no, those are not socialist, they are communist".
And no, capitalism is not perfect, I have NO idea how you got to that, are you Cathy Newman by any chance??
Capitalism and specially welfare capitalism (Europe) has proven to be superior to the failure of socialism. And it, IT STILL IS CAPITALISM. One could argue that it's even more capitalist in nature than the corrupted USA capitalism.
But even the flawed USA capitalism is better than the failure that socialism have proved to be. It DOESN'T need to be perfect to be better.
I already posted about how socialism is a scareword used by idiots like you. Also your taste in cinema is trash buddy. The Batman was a great film. Nothing you say can change that.
And I already proved how stupid you are since I don’t use socialism as a scarecrow as you stupidly and obsessively repeat.
But anyway we were talking about capitalism you little goldfish
The movie was half decent, you didn’t even understand what was my point. I wasn’t talking about the movie you moron. I said that Pattinson was miscast and that he is not a good Batman.
No wonder you don’t understand anything, your IQ must be negative …
"assuming I was a democrat." of course not, you are a fucking commie/socialist.
"I asked you if capitalism was perfect and you had to concede that it was not." it's still far better than socialism you idiot - specially the European capitalism. NOTHING is perfect you moron. And for sure not your beloved socialism.
He was good as Batman, but sucked as Bruce. Every scene without the mask was pretty bad. Alfred was miscast. I thought Catwoman and Gordon were okay just nothing really different. Didn't like that they made the Riddler a killer.
Well, If yo need a mask so people can't see that you're bad ... then you're bad. lol
Catwoman was in my opinion too skinny, the skinniest "superhero" ever ... I get that she is focused on being fast and nimble but I couldn't get over her VERY small frame and small ... everything, arms, legs, etc.