MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > TDK > The Batman > Batman Begins > TDKR

TDK > The Batman > Batman Begins > TDKR

Worst being The Dark Knight Rises.

They had minimal role of Alfred in 'The Batman' which I liked. There was too much focus on Alfred in Nolan's films. In TDKR, when Michael Caine was crying in front of Bale, I was literally cringing in my seat.

Whereas TDK remains an action classic with great depiction of Joker & Batman, Dialogs & Cinematography, it did have superfluous contrived plots & nuking the fridge moments like retrieving the finger print from a broken brick & fragments of a bullet. Compared to that, Matt Reeve's The Batman did have a simplicity to admire.


TDK > Batman Begins > The Batman > TDKR.......I think

I think the Batman is a better movie then TDKR although I can't tell for sure because I think I'm biased towards TDKR because the film has so many potholes and I hate the ending so much..

But there are things about both movies I like better

For example in my opinion Bane and specifically Tom Hardy's performance is much better than Riddler and Paul Dano's performance.... I also think Matt Reeves drastically dropped the ball in writing the character of the Riddler. I just didn't find the characters motives, clues and actions to be that interesting.... I was hoping for something similar to Se7en and it's clear that's what Matt Reeves was going for, I just think he fell flat and completely missed the mark.

I did like The Batman's tone and I liked the theme Matt Reeves was going for in showing off the world's greatest detective side of Batman but again even that I just feel he didn't tell a good enough story or detective story

Simply put, with a better story and better writing, the Batman could have been the defining Batman movie but for me it just felt like miss

TDKR missed the mark for a different reason.... Mainly being plot holes and an illogical and ludicrous ending
