MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Finally, someone gets it right. (but not...

Finally, someone gets it right. (but not Pattinson)

Batman is a dark and gritty character, and this movie was dark and gritty. They portrayed the character as he should be. I just didn't feel Pattinson was right for the role. He wasn't a convincing Bruce Wayne. Luckily he was overshadowed by a excellent story.

-Didn't care for the Batmobile. Looks like a kids Hot Wheels car.
-Batman with a collar? No thanks.
-Too bad the penguin had such a minor role.
-Zoe Kravitz has seriously outdone previous Catwomen like Hathaway, Berry.

P.S. There was a couple who had brought a group of kids ranging from about 6-10 years old to the theatre. Someone didn't do their research.


I disagree I feel Pattinson is the best live action Batman. Others have been good but I feel he nailed the silent acting part of it. I could feel his emotions without him having to say a word.


If you feel his emotions without him having to say a word, it's pretty fucking clear you are one of those Twilight groupies that would be licking his pooh if you had a chance. But that explains why you would think the wimpy little emo boy is the best Batman ever. Jesus, Pattinson might be gay enough to play Robin but his being Batman makes Adam West look tough.


Look at how much money it's making, the critical reception, the user reception and weep. We will be getting more of him. Thank God incels such yourself are not in charge of making films. The only thing you have produced is a turd in a toilet. Sit back and let the pros do their job.


Oh, the classic incel blurb. Now it's beyond doubt that you are either some fat gay twat, or dumb brainless cunt, either way you have the hots for your Twilight turd. I have no doubt it will make lots of money because there seems to be a over abundance of horny old fag and mindless cunts that love emo boy. But that doesn't mean its a good movie. Fucking Titanic made tons of money and it was a shit show no better than a Hallmark movie.


Majority rules buddy. I don't need your approval in order to consider a film good.


You do realize that the majority of people will never drop a dime to see this movie, right? Even it if were to gross 2 billion dollars when the average movie ticket is nearly 10 dollars and the population of the world is nearly 8 billion.. it still doesn't even approach double digits of the population.


Lol wow are you seriously that desperate? By that logic no movie is a success pebble brain. All that matters is it's a financial success which it is. Also the reception by critics as well as the mass majority of people is quite strong. There will be a sequel and no amount of whining from an incel like you will change that. Sit back and let the pros do their work.


You ignorant cunt, you were the one that started babbling about majority rule. I simply shined a light on your ignorance.

As for a sequel, so what? A lot of shit movies get sequels.. sometimes they get several but it doesn't change the fact that they are shit movies.


The majority of people who watched it smart one. So um yeah you actually buried yourself further. The ignorance is on your end not mine. Nice try though.

Your opinion that it's bad. I don't have to share your opinion you brain dead idiot. In my book it's a great film.


You just keep babbling ya stupid cunt. You have no clue whether the majority of people that saw it liked it or not. No one has a clue. But keep slinging bullshit maybe some of it will stick.


Yeah actually I do, have a clue. Check out the user score and critical scores on rotten tomatoes metacritic and IMDb. Also the amount of money it's making. Try again.


Oh grow up cunt, no one in his right mind blindly believes that crap. Even someone as stupid as yourself should know they are often manipulated by studios, groups of fans, or even groups that simply have an ax to grind.


You lost here bud. You are just salty that the world does not see films the way you do. Do not see the film then stay home while the rest of us enjoy it. Why do I need to grow up. The film is a success whether you like it or not. It is time accept this reality. You will not be getting your way.


Keaton is the best Batman and Bale is the best Bruce Wayne, imo.


I can see that. Personally I feel Pattinson is a nice blend of both. Ok I feel Keaton is a great Batman. I feel he is an average Wayne. I feel Bale is a great Wayne but an average Batman. I feel Pattinson is a great Batman and a good Wayne. That fair in your eyes?


would say he is good at both personas, a second rewatch will prob be needed as it was hard to forget he was a Twilight star. But I am pleasantly surprised that Pattinson is a good Batman.


I don't think we saw enough of him as Wayne in this movie to judge tbh. He was Batman for much more time than he was Bruce (which was great). I'm sure he'll evolve more in the next movie. And I did love the movie.

Funny enough, as bad as B&R was, Clooney in his prime probably could have been the best Bruce Wayne with the right script.


That's fair. See I can see Clooney being a Wayne but as Batman? I just don't see it. Not saying it's impossible I just can't see that. That's the tough part about Batman finding someone who is good at both is tough.


True. They've done a good job so far with most Batman (men lol) they've chosen (Affleck being my favorite Batman because I thought he was the most intimidating and had those fight scenes ripped from an Arkham game).

Pattison was really good too and surprised me though, I must say.


If anything I would have said the opposite. Keaton never worked as Batman for me because he didn’t have the physicality for the role but he is a great actor.


I thought he was pretty good.


I actually liked the Batmobile

I do agree that Pattinson wasn’t a good Bruce Wayne, fortunately he doesn’t have much time as Bruce

I thought the Penguin was done well but I do agree that they should have actually done something with him. He might as well have just been “Random mobster #2”. I also preferred De Vito

Oh no Zoe Kravitz was easily the worst thing about this movie and the only true complaint I have. Hathaway and Pfeiffer are tied for the best, I never saw Berry but from what I understand she was just in a shit movie and wasn’t the problem.

Eh I have the same problem when I saw Rambo (2008), some people thought it would be a good idea to bring their 4 year olds to one of the most over the top violent movies ever.


Honestly I felt conflicted, because I thought he made an excellent Batman but a terrible Bruce Wayne. However it's hard to really tell how much of that was down to cinematography and direction, and how much was down to Pattinson himself.
