MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Just got out of a screening!

Just got out of a screening!

It's fantastic! I didn't think it would top TDK, but it did!

Feel free to ask me any questions.


How woke is it?


There is a line where Catwoman mentions white privilege


omg lol


Are you serious?


Not joking. Don't get me wrong, the movie is great, but that line was cringe.


Uhhhhhh that sounds terrible, I’ll still give the movie a chance, hell I gave Batman v Superman a chance.


I cannot understand why


I was just curious, that’s the only reason I went to see BvS, I wish I had those 2 hours 30 minutes or so of my life back.


I'm a little split on that line. I hate all the PC/woke stuff in movies and TV shows, but I can sort of give it a pass this one time because of how it was used. Catwoman/Selina was talking about white people in power or white people in higher-up jobs that are abusing their power. She wasn't talking about ALL white people and not like the white dude working as a janitor at Walmart, or someone flipping burgers at McDonald's, or the person bagging groceries at a grocery store, or someone working the cash register at a gas station, or even neighbors that happen to be white. She was talking about the white people that are politicians or have high-rank jobs (senators, governors, mayors, etc.) in the government or maybe a high-ranked officer (police commissioner and the couple high ranks right below police commissioner or maybe just any corrupt police officer/officers abusing their badge), or maybe someone major in the mob like Carmine Falcone. She was pretty much talking about everyone that The Riddler killed, who were all abusing their power/badge, were corrupt, and had it coming to them what The Riddler did to them. All of the guys The Riddler killed were white. Maybe if there was an Asian or black in there, maybe Catwoman/Selina wouldn't have been so specific and worded things differently. But these jobs/titles that those that were killed have are pretty much a privilege to have (except Carmine Falcone, who probably murdered his way to the top and stuff or was next in line because of family members or something). The jobs/titles had to be earned (mainly through winning an election) and these white people that had their jobs were abusing them and stuff. So I can sort of get the usage of white privilege in this scenario and give it a slight pass.


Great to know, I'll bit torrent it when it's out on Blu-Ray.


They just need to keep saying it. Eventually it will lose all meaning. It pretty much has already.


Barf. We have to watch this movie for the next hundred years and keep hearing that.


Yeah, a review by THR mentioned that exact quote but made it seem that was the only cringe line;that the case?


How horror is it?


Not really horror, but The Riddler was very creepy. Did have a few scenes that would be disturbing for some people involving torture.


Good to know. Thanks


Don't wanna see it nope! They got a lot of nerve pushing 3 hours on this with a good & hopeful chance of failure.


How was Robin Patterson?


He is amazing, he portrays so much pain and disconnect with society yet a desire to want to connect but he doesnt know how.




Shirtless Pattinson or no?


I saw it too and it's good but no way in hell did it top The Dark Knight.


I'm intrigued enough to see it, but no way do I believe it is anywhere near as good as Dark Knight.


It's not as good
