What was so wrong about what Lisa said on the air?
It sounded to me that that she was saying that women should be able to have abortions, maybe not in a very succinct way. But that was the gist. Why such a reaction in the control room?
shareIt sounded to me that that she was saying that women should be able to have abortions, maybe not in a very succinct way. But that was the gist. Why such a reaction in the control room?
shareBecause she was not there to discuss abortion - especially as a ham=handed defense of Casey Anthony's actions.
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I think mostly it was the moment indeed. The argument was correct but not worded very well. It could sound like she was trying to say: abortion is needed because the only other option this woman had was murdering her child.
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I'm not remembering this scene at all. Episode help? Lisa, Maggie's roommate? A refresher would be appreciated. Thanks!
shareBut how was the argument correct? The last time I checked abortion was actually legal in this country. So Casey Anthony actually could have had one if she wanted (yes, even in Florida). So how does that argument hold up?
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Legal yes, accepted no. The argument was in favour of keeping abortion legal.
shareBut the crux of her argument was what if Casey had wanted an abortion? Implying that maybe this wouldn't have happened if she could have had an abortion. But again, she actually could have had an abortion.
On another note, that always has struck me as a very strange argument. It's essentially saying this child wouldn't have been killed if she had just done it much earlier.... Either way he would be dead. Would it really be better for him to have died before he was born?
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Why not Zoidberg? (\/)(;,;)(\/)
I'm not sure about the episode. It's the one with trial of the mom that killed her kid which they would not cover. Until their ratings dropped and they were going cover it just to not drop any further and they could get the debate. So they need someone who knew the mom. And the roommate went to school with her (but did not actually knew her) and did the show just as a favour to Maggie. Then she called Will out on the air about why the media covered this kid murder and not countless others. But then she says something about how abortion shouls be legal (and that's the statement we were talking about)