Best TeeVee I've seen in a long while. But there's one problem, I only have FOUR EPs let to watch!
I had no idea it had ended. I go though S1, floored. Then I do S2, freaking fantastic, even better.
Then, this week, I go to S3 and there's only 6 EPs and I think "must be a season in progress and they still have another 4 to go to make 10 like the other seasons", but NO. I highlight EP 6 and see the fateful words: Series Finale.
Then my thoughts go to "well, maybe in S3 they screwed up the show and everyone left" but no, I watched EP1 and EP2 and they were DAMNED FINE works, possibly 2 of the finest of the entire series, or at least right up there. Of course, I still have those 4 to watch, but I don't think a show this good would have gone that bad that quickly.
Great TV just never lasts. How ironic, that they were always in trouble for being a Great news organization (except Genoa, of course).
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