Just finished season 1

I just finished Season 1, and wow, this is one of the best shows I've ever seen. Excellently scripted and performed/ Pure brilliance.

I can't wait to move on to Season 2.

If you get my screenname without having to look it up, you have gained my respect.


Season one is amazing, two is very good, 3 is over way too fast.


Season one is amazing, two is very good, 3 is over way too fast.

Replace amazing, good, and fast with their antonyms and I'm in complete agreement.



Yes Season 1 of the Newsroom is with out a doubt one of the top 10 seasons of TV EVER. S2 is rather different to S1 though

Sarchasm (n): The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it


I agree with you - this is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I binge-watched it last spring and I've been recommending it to everyone ever since. Curiously, the top posts on this message board seem to disagree with us...
Have fun with the rest of the series! :)
