God, i miss this show!

Funny, heartwarming, fast-paced, witty, sometimes too witty, with heart-string pulling music, and in each episode, you can feel the characters GROW, move forward.

Thought it was a little unfair how the writers could use 20/20 hindsight on old news stories to make the ACN crew seem smarter than everyone else, but that was my one minor criticism.

Just re-watched the pilot and compared to shows like HBO's "The Brink" and STARZ's "Blunt Talk" that are filled with dick jokes and dumb characters who DON'T grow and silly slapstick and have absolutely NOTHING WORTHWHILE to say about politics or news, i appreciate Aaron Sorkin's The Newsroom even more. Perhaps an unfair comparison since Newsroom is an hour long and mostly serious but it explores the world it wants to explore a lot better than those sitcoms do.

End rant.


As a rule I don't buy dvds before I see them but I saw the first episode of the series last summer and purchased the first season immediately. I can honestly say this is one of my favorite television shows.


Oh, nice.

Sometimes when the pilot episodes don't work too well, people say, "You can't judge it by the first episode. Give it time!" And sometimes that's true.

First episode of Newsroom was a homerun, showing exactly the direction and style of the show and jumping right into the big issues that the rest of the episodes would tackle.

I'm gushing over a cancelled show but it really was great.


It was indeed great.

I don't know if any of you have HBO Go. I do and that's how I'm watching this show. The trouble is though: HBO Go takes you to the season but does not highlight the first show of that season: it highlights the LAST! So I watched EP 10 first. It was something else, so I took another look and saw my error and started again from S1 and did re-watch S10 when it came up again. Made a lot more sense.

Anyway, I just started the I LOVE THIS SHOW thread.

Can someone mention briefly WHY it was cancelled?

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


Dwindling viewership, I think. That and a few very vocal critics hating the preachiness of it and how the women were portrayed.

I'm going to miss it anyway. (And I read Sorkin is leaving TV?!)


I haven't heard that Sorkin is leaving TV per se, but he is writting the upcoming feature biopic of Lucille Ball starring Cate Blanchett.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


Thought it was a little unfair how the writers could use 20/20 hindsight on old news stories to make the ACN crew seem smarter than everyone else, but that was my one minor criticism.

Not to spoil too much for those who may not yet have seen the entire series, but in season 2, it does focus on how ACN actually gets one major story wrong.
