The movie was ok--not bad. Three gripes though:
1. Why did the filmmakers feel compelled to be so true to the original details that they forced Helen Hunt to use possibly the worst fake Boston accent ever? I was waiting for her to throw in a few "wicked"'s. It was extremely distracting. It wouldn't have bothered me (and probably 99% of viewers) to hear "Oh, I'm from Salem, small world" not spoken in a Boston accent--the only line where that might have mattered.
2. The film was set in 1988 but it really looked more like 1978. Not sure if it's because it was Berkeley, or if the set people read the direction wrong and found period cars and props from circa 1978.
3. I don't know if it was just my copy, but there was an odd yellow blotchy cast to many scenes. Like jaundice--but not just on Mark, it was on everything. So not sure if they were attempting to convey illness, attempting a 'sepia' look, or I just had a badly produced DVD.
So, other than that, I think the best performance was probably Adam Arkin. Of course, William Macy is always a sure thing as well. Great comic relief with the dialog between he and the Mark character. I could just see in the priest's looks that he was thinking "Why do you get to have booty and all I can do is hear about it??"