Speaking to the issue of prostitution, fairness, and therapy
I consider prostitution as an essential service for men and women who - for whatever reason be it extreme bad looks or profound maiming or debilitating injury or, as in my own case, advancing age – can no longer attract a particular partner for sexual intimacy. If a girl – in my own case – is willing to engage in sexual play with me for a fee we can both agree upon, that right there is, for me, therapy (even if it weren’t, laws forbidding it are ludicrous as well as patently biased and unfair). Prostitution should be legalized in the U.S. Maybe we can sue the Federal Government using the Americans With Disabilities Act since we are being forbidden from engaging in an act of sexuality because there is an exchange of money.
There is a bias in the law against unattractive people getting sex from more attractive people by paying them to do it (they simply wouldn't do it otherwise!). Should I or anyone else be denied the right to hire someone for pleasure? Huh? How fair is that?
As to so-called "sex therapy", it's sex for pay, sure, but so what? We should all be free to engage in sexual activity, not just those of us who are still young, or in one piece, or attractive.
What do others of you think about that? Am I in grave moral error here?