So called experts

This show always makes me chortle. The "experts" Taffer brings in are laughable. I can't think of a single person I know who would order one of the cocktails created by the so called 'mixologists'. In one episode they were teaching the bartenders how to make a proper martini. The expert lost credit when they used vodka and shook the drink. A proper martini is made with gin and never shaken. Shaking bruises the gin. A drink made with vodka and vermouth is called a Gibson. The other thing I noticed is how they always say the beer on tap should be served at 35 to 45 degrees. That would make the beer too cold and have ice in it. Unless your customers only drink 'lawnmower beer' that would taste horrible if not ice cold then the beer needs to be served at room temp or cellar temp. That's not warm like some uninformed beer drinkers claim. Taffer is just as arrogant and uninformed as the owners he claims to help.


Now I agree


Have you never heard of a "vodka martini"


I’ve known John Taffer for over 20 years, going back to my days as Contributing Editor at Nightclub & Bar magazine, and he’s one of THE top guys in his field. You, OP, on the other hand, are not.


Love Taffer


Small world, isn’t it?

And a vodka Martini (the only kind I drink) is one of many things of which the OP has never heard.


Hook me up with signed head shot haha


I’d think you’d rather be hooked up with a signed blank check.




charliekelly and I love Taffer. We call him, affectionately, Jonny T. Its awesome that you know him, makes me smile just thinking about it :)


Jon and I are buddies. It really IS a small world, isn’t it? You know what else that I notice? The comments on this topic made by people who only know Jon through what they see of him on this show, and the comments made by those of us who actually know him. Folks who know him through the show don’t like him, and think he doesn’t know what he’s doing! Those who know him personally know what a warm, giving and gifted gentleman he is.

It’s always good to see you and Charlie!


I know television is edited but John seems like a really good person, business of course but good at his core. The smallest of worlds R_Kane, the smallest lol.

If only you could introduce charlie and I ;P


To start with --- A Gibson --- Is a Gin Martini garnished with a pickled onion

I don't believe ice would form on beer stored at 35 degrees

I'd say you are uninformed


To start with --- A Gibson --- Is a Gin Martini garnished with a pickled onion, I like Mine extra, extra dry

I don't believe ice would form on beer stored and poured at 35 degrees

I'd say you are uninformed
