MovieChat Forums > Dirty Grandpa (2016) Discussion > Insult to Swastika, really?

Insult to Swastika, really?

I could not stand that these morons insulted the ancient swastika. Hitler borrowed it from India and corrupted it but the actual meaning of Swastika is very deep. I am offended!

My devil danced with his demon and the fiddler tune is far from over.


by the looks of it, that stick is very deep as well..


Native American tribes also used the swastika sympbol. I found that out in 3rd grade when I had to build a small scale tee-pee and decorated it with a swastika I saw in an ancient native American symbology book I checked out of the school library. I thought it looked like a ninja star and ended up getting in trouble instead.


Offended? That's up there of one of the stupidest things I have ever read. You should be ashamed of yourself. I'm sure your parents are.
